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Eagle Class

Welcome to eagle class

Year 6

Meet the Team

Our Year 6 staff team includes:

  • Mrs. Goulding – Class Teacher
  • Miss Edkins – Teaching Assistant
  • Mrs. Razak – 1:1 Teaching Assistant
  • Mrs. Bernall – 1:1 Teaching Assistant

Additionally, Mrs. Hird will be teaching RE and PE on Tuesday afternoons.

Spring Term Topic: Darwin's Delights

This term, our focus will be on Darwin's Delights, where children will explore the life and discoveries of Charles Darwin. They will learn about key events in Darwin’s life, his voyage aboard the HMS Beagle, and how his observations contributed to the development of the theory of evolution through natural selection and adaptation. This topic will integrate skills from History, Geography, and Science to build their understanding.

As always, we will take a cross-curricular approach, exploring the theme through various subjects to create a rich and engaging learning experience.

Literacy Focus: Kensuke's Kingdom

Our core text in Literacy this term is Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. This captivating story follows an eleven-year-old boy, Michael, whose family embarks on a global sailing adventure. Much like Darwin's journey, Michael visits many places before being shipwrecked on a remote island. The story explores themes of survival and adaptation, aligning beautifully with our topic on Darwin.

We look forward to an exciting term of discovery and learning!



What should I do?

How often should I do it?

Where can I find it?



At least 3x week practise

Spelling Shed

Set: Tuesday

Due: The following Tuesday


1x a week

Set: Tuesday s(ent home with your child)

Due: The following Tuesday


At least 3x week

Reads recorded in reading records signed by a grown up.

Due: Tuesday

Get on our Times Tables Rock Stars leader board!

Times Table Rock Stars Optional  Times Table Rock Stars


In addition, we may send work home for your child to complete at home if we feel they may benefit from it. Thank you for your support with this.



Page Downloads Date  
T1 newsletter 11th Sep 2024 Download
Y6 T2 Newsletter 06th Jan 2025 Download