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Osprey Class


Hello, I'm Miss Perrier and I am the Osprey Class Teacher. I love to make learning exciting, fun and memorable. I particularly enjoy literacy, music and art and always encourage the children to be creative and imaginative in their work. In Osprey Class we have the opportunity to spread our wings and soar through adventures. 


Summer Term


This term, we are travelling back in time to the ancient Egyptian period. Osprey Class will use their map reading skills to locate Egypt, research skills to discover what life was like in ancient Egypt, and design and construction skills to build and evaluate their own pyramids. The children will also try to read and write in hieroglyphics, as well as learning about the importance of Egyptian gods and goddesses. Our topic will be taught across the curriculum, including through Geography, History, Literacy and DT.

Please see the Summer term newsletter and homework grid for more information.



Moving up to Lower Key Stage 2, it is very important for children to enhance their reading skills. Through regular reading practise they are: being exposed to new vocabulary that they can then apply in their learning, speech and language; developing and applying inference skills; and discussing and explaining different types of books. 

Each time you listen to your child read, please sign their Reading Record. Children who have read three or more times in a week will receive a star on their chart towards an achievement award.


Times Tables

Times tables are essential to developing maths fluency in Key Stage 2. Times Tables Rock Stars provides a fun way for children to practise at home. Whilst this is not set as compulsory homework, times tables are an essential building block in maths and regular practise will greatly benefit your child's learning. In Year 4, all children complete a national Times Table Check to assess their fluency/recall.



This is a platform for children to practise their weekly spellings. Each week children will learn a new spelling rule and practise their spellings in school. They will then be set an assignment to support this and can complete activities on Spelling Shed to enhance their learning at home.


Page Downloads Date  
Osprey Class Autumn Newsletter 20th Sep 2023 Download
Curriculum Meeting 12th Oct 2023 Download
Osprey Class Spring Newsletter 13th Jan 2024 Download
Year 3 Summer Term Newsletter 10th Apr 2024 Download