Unicorn Class
Welcome to Unicorn Class!
My name is Mrs Meeson and I am the class teacher and Early Years Foundation Stage Leader at Aylesford School. I have two crazy dogs called Lexi and Bertie. We love going for walks in the countryside and stopping for coffee and cake!
I have worked at Aylesford Primary since it first opened in 2015 and love being in Unicorn Class! We have a fantastic team who are very experienced in EYFS and enjoy getting to know our children and their families. I teach Monday to Thursday.
This is Mrs Gately. Mrs Gately is a Higher Level Teaching Assistant and teaches the children on a Friday. She has a passion for creativity and brings magic and sparkle to the class!
Miss Howells is our Classroom Assistant.
Miss Howells loves all things musical and is a fabulous dancer! This is her second year working in Unicorn Class.
Mrs Frazer is new to Unicorn Class and is looking forward to all the exciting topics we cover in Unicorn Class.
Marvellous Me!
Our first topic is, ‘Marvellous Me!’ in which we find out about ourselves and others and think about our homes and families. We will be using the texts, ‘The Colour Monster’, ‘When there Were Giants’ and ‘Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Schools’.
"Children are made readers in the laps of their parents" - Emilie Buchwald
Please share books at every opportunity! Reading books together not only means that you model how to hold and take care of them, turn the pages and read from left to right but you also prompt speaking and listening skills, concentration and develop vocabulary.
We teach phonics through the Read Write Inc scheme. The children learn a new sound four days a week and practice them on the fifth day. We send home the sounds taught in Home Learning Books. Please make sure that these are practiced at home too!
The children will bring home a self-chosen library book and a reading book on a Friday. Initially the reading books are wordless books – these are tremendously valuable as they help the children develop their comprehension; understanding of characters, settings and events etc! Please enjoy sharing them with your child.
We expect that parents and carers will read with the children at home at least 3 times a week. Please sign their yellow reading diaries and let us know how they are getting on. Books will not be changed if diaries are not signed.
Please keep reading books in book bags so they can be shared with an adult in school.