Aylesford school 21
In this section...

Learning Support

Hello Everyone! We have designed this area as a place for you all, where you can find resources and contacts to help you.

Do check in regularly for messages from the team, important news, updated information and any important dates that you and/or your parents/carers may need to make a note of.

We hope you find this page fun and informative. If you need to contact us please see our email addresses below. 

Mr Tillier and Miss Loveridge


The SEND policies for the Primary and Secondary Phase can be found under 'SEN': 

Information and Policies


The timescale for the EHCP process can be found here:

EHCP Process


Warwickshire SEND Newsletter


Free Online Workshops

Click on the link below for some free workshops that are currently being offered to parents in Warwickshire - be sure to check back as new workshops come up and more dates come up too.

Warwickshire Children and Families Events


Free Online Course About Anxiety

Click on the link below for a free course (which lasts about an hour) that might be of use:


Uncommon Clubs

Fun clubs and community for *neurodivergent teens - cost associated.

Uncmmon clubs.png

Spring Clubs start Jan 6th

*Autistic, ADHD, Dyslexic, Dyspraxic, SPD, PDA, Tourettes and all 'spicy' neurotypes welcome. No diagnosis required. Currently supporting 8-16 year olds


SEND Inclusion Guidance

Meet the Team

RVS website image
Mrs Reeves - SEND Link
  • I love nature and the outdoors, especially birds
  • I enjoy listening to podcasts about Ancient History 
  • We have a hamster, a guinea pig and two tortoises
Mr Tillier Icon
Mr Tillier – SENCo
  • I also teach Maths
  • I like climbing mountains and long walks.
  • I play darts (nice Maths link!)
  • I also enjoy strange coffee flavours (cherry bakewell!)
Miss Loveridge Dearne Icon
Miss Loveridge-Dearne - SEND Assistant
  • I have two Black cats called Theo and Oreo
  • I am a huge Marvel Fan
  • I love going on City breaks and being able to explore new exciting destinations
  • I have 2 cats: Theo who is jet black and Florrie who is ginger and white. 
Miss McGreavy icon
Miss McGreavy
  • I love Christmas and cows!
  • I have a cat called Missi (short for Mischievous!!)
  • I enjoy long, muddy walks
  • My favourite quote:
“If plan A doesn’t work, don’t worry…the alphabet has 25 more letters!”
Mrs Mottet Icon
Mrs Mottet
  • I am a qualified first aider for Mental Health
  • I love reading historical fiction
  • I can speak French
  • I have a Springer Spaniel dog called Kiki
Miss Kiernan Icon
Mrs Kiernan
  • I am a qualified teacher having specialised in languages but a recent maths convert!
  • I love running and yoga
  • I am obsessed with peanut butter
  • I have a Jack Russell and a bearded dragon
Mrs Fryer Icon
Mrs Fryer
  • I used to come to Aylesford as a student.
  • I like STEM and am often found helping in science lessons.
  • I love freshly ground and brewed coffee
Mrs Harrison Icon
Mrs Harrison
  • I have worked at Aylesford for several years following year groups and I was in the Ethics department for a while.I love cooking, baking cakes and walking my dog Poppy.
  • I joined an Adult Tap Classes and took some exams.
  • I enjoy holidaying in England and abroad and go away as much as I can.
  • I have northern accent which I love.
Mrs Davies Icon
Mrs S Davies
  • I like yoga and running
  • I like walking too and try to go on long walks when I can
  • I like collecting new cooking recipes
  • I enjoy collecting old photographs and one day will make photo books out of them.  
  • I run Lego Club at school on Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes which I thoroughly enjoy.
Mrs Miller Icon
Mrs Miller
  • I have been a teaching assistant for nearly 20 years covering Early Years, Primary and Secondary.
  • I love listening to music and attending concerts and music festivals.
  • I love travelling and exploring new places. My favorite place is New York. I have been 6 times.
  • I have two sons. Amazing young men who started their journey and their success at Aylesford.  My eldest son was head boy and my youngest son was senior prefect.
  • I enjoy gardening.
Miss Loveridge Icon
Miss Loveridge
  • I was a Student at Aylesford and during my time here I was Head Girl. 
  • I bake personalised cakes for family and friends! 
  • I love going to the theatre and seeing lots of musicals! 
  • I have a black cat called Theo (he is very loving and sweet natured). 
  • I have been to Uganda for fieldwork. 
  • I run 'Chat Club' during school lunch time. 
Mr flukes
Mr Flukes
  • I was a student at Aylesford for 7 years before I became a TA.
  • I am a big fan of Newcastle United and football in general.
  • I have an adorable cat called Daniel (she is older that I am!)
  • You might see me walking to school in the mornings.
Mr jones
Mr Jones
  • I love Marvel (Favourite Marvel movie at the moment is Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse). It changes all the time!
  • I have 2 cats called Tinker and Belle.
  • I enjoy watching Bob Ross paint.
  • I love cooking food! My favourite thing I made is chicken with a creamy mushroom sauce.
  • I am an avid gamer on the PC.
Pauline Pic
Mrs Powers
  • I love animals and originally worked with animals and studied Animal Behaviour at University.
  • At home I have a dog called Lilly. 
  • I have two sons aged 8 and 12.
  • I volunteered in the primary schools where my sons went and then did my teaching assistant training and Mental Health course during lockdown.
  • I love learning different languages so do several languages on Duolingo.
  • I like learning to play different instruments and have played guitar for about 6 years


What We Do

During Lessons:

  • Support in a variety of lessons in school.
  • We support classes by helicoptering around the room helping a variety of students and needs as we increase their independence.
  • We support the teaching staff during input by encouraging listening skills.
  • We might take groups out for varying interventions, e.g. small group work, additional reading, life skills, etc.
  • We support the teaching staff with differentiation as we get to know the students.
  • We support with exam access which is informal in Years 7-9 and has to be formal and screened by an outside agency for GCSE (Year 10 and 11) and Sixth Form (Year 12 and 13)
  • We have literacy lessons where we take a small group out of another subject to catch up with their literacy and English core skills.

Outside of Lessons:

  • We offer lunchtime clubs – please see in the attachments the current list.
  • TAs also mentor a number of students who they see regularly during a part of the school day and more formally during one tutor time a week, if need be this can be more regular depending on the need and demand of the student.
  • We also support a peer mentoring programme where members of the sixth form buddy up with a student in KS3 – this is supervised by a member of staff.
  • Staff also provide some small group interventions – these change regularly depending on demand and need – these include Handwriting, Life Skills, Maths Mentoring, Primary Readers, Reading Groups and SULP.

Helpful Tips

  •  Try to keep your morning routine the same as you would for school
  • Don’t work too late into the evening! 
  • Reach out to people – maybe arrange a call with a friend after school
  • Remember to eat and drink properly during the day 
  • This is a difficult time for most of us at the moment, so try to remember that you are not alone in how you are feeling. 
  • Speak to someone if you’re struggling or worried about anything.




Parent Support and Links

These websites may be of use as well as downloads below.  Also please contact Miss McDonagh or Mr Tillier if we can be of assistance.


www.addiss.co.ukThe National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service. 

They provide people-friendly information and resources about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to anyone who needs assistance - parents, sufferers, teachers or health professionals.


www.autism.org.uk/directory.aspxThe National Autistic Society give useful advice to parents of autistic children, including an online directory which will pull together information according to your child’s age diagnosis and where they live.


https://autisticgirlsnetwork.org/Resources and help for girls with Autism.


https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/Contact, links and helps relating to dyslexia (which Warwickshire doesn't screen for).


www.cerebra.org.ukHelp to support parents/carers with children who have sleep issues. They also have a stress helpline.


combinedwellbeing.org.uk/This is an online guide for pupils, parents and professionals to support mental health and wellbeing.


https://www.covkidsot.co.ukOccupational Therapist Service with support links (Coventry based)


Children's Services Occupational TherapyOccupational Therapist Service in South Warwickshire


www.cwmind.org.ukMental health resources and charity.


www.cwrise.com/parent-and-carer-resourcesResources for ADHD support.


https://dimensions.covwarkpt.nhs.uk/Free online tool providing self-care information to support adults, children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire


https://www.dyscalculianetwork.com/Resources, support and advice for dyscalculia.


www.dyslexiamidlands.comjustdyslexic.org.uk/Links for Dyslexic resources and help.


https://dyspraxiafoundation.org.ukOffers information and supports individuals and families affected by developmental dyspraxia through books, suggestions, a teen newsletter, and an adult support group.


www.equinelearning.org.ukPersonal development through horsemanship.


www.family-action.org.uk/wiasSENDIAS link for Warwickshire.


familylives.org.ukA national charity offering information support and advice about parenting including challenging behaviour , emotional wellbeing ,teenagers etc, details about specialist advice, parenting groups in your area.


https://www.internetmatters.org/connecting-safely-online/advice-for-young-people/first-steps/Resources for young people and parents/carers about social media.


www.kids.org.ukYoung Peoples Inclusion Network – YP -in provides online guidance about both strategy and putting Inclusion into Practice covering issues such as Leisure and Sports Services, Youth Provision, Transport and Independent Living.


www.livingwithadhd.co.ukAdvice for teenagers and parents relating to ADHD.


www.masteringmemory.co.ukBoosting working memory programs for children 2-11 or 11-adult.


www.minded.org.ukAre you a parent or carer who is concerned about the mental health of your child or teenager? Do you just want some hints and tips on parenting? MindEd for Families has advice and information from trusted experts and will help you to understand what problems occur, what you can do to best support your family, and how to take care of yourself. MindEd for Families is written by a team of specialists and parents, working together.


www.mylifemychoice.org.ukMy life my choice - helping people speak up and develop their skills


www.nhs.uk/conditionsFind information about ASD, SPLD and other medical conditions.


www.recoveryandwellbeing.co.ukAn educational approach to improve your emotional health and wellbeing, and is available to anyone living in Coventry and Warwickshire over the age of 18.


https://rosieweldon.com/Information and strategies for ASD girls who have reached puberty.


https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/sendWarwickshire’s SEND local offer brings together information about the local services and support available across education, health and social care for families with children and young people aged 0 to 25, who have special educational needs and/or disabilities


www.talkingpoint.org.ukSpeech and Language Services – Talking Point provides a guide to speech and language services and useful links to other associated websites.  


https://warwickshireparentcarervoice.org/Local forums for parents and carers of students with SEND.


www.youngminds.org.ukYoung Minds – a national charity committed to improving the mental health of all children, advice about depression, eating disorders, and other mental health issues affecting children, see website for details.