Aylesford school 20
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Achievements and Results

Our A-Level students have shown incredible resilience and determination. Their success is not only a reflection of their own hard work but also of the unwavering support from our dedicated staff and the wider school community. These results open the door to many exciting opportunities, and we are confident that our students are well-prepared to take the next steps in their education and careers. We are particularly proud of those who have overcome personal challenges to achieve their goals, embodying the school’s values of ambition, resilience, and kindness

15th August 2024

A-Level Results Day

Click here for the DfE School Performance Tables

Results 2024 (Provisional)

Primary Phase

  School National 
Phonics (Year 1): Percentage at expected standard 77% 79%
KS2 Attainment: Reading 76% 73%
KS2 Attainment: Writing 69% 71%
KS2 Attainment: Maths 55% 73%
KS2:  EGPS 59% 72%
Greater Depth Standard (GDS): Reading 28% 28%
Greater Depth Standard (GDS): Writing 24% 13%
Greater Depth Standard (GDS): Maths 17% 23%

Secondary Phase Results

Progress 8 -0.35
Attainment 8 40.53
English and Maths 4+ 60.47%                                                        
English and Maths 5+ 33.74%

24% of students entered

APS English - 4.74

APS Maths - 3.93

APS Science - 4.08

APS Humanities - 3.18

Destinations - Year 11

Full Time Education 92.4%
Apprenticeship 4%                                       
Employment Without Training 1%
Not Settled (Active in the Labour Market) 4%
Temporary Break from Learning 1%
Remained for Aylesford Sixth Form 12%

Post 16 Results

A-Level APS 31.5
Average Grade Per Entry C                         


Results 2023

Primary Phase

We are pleased to share our end of Key Stage data with you, reflecting the hard work and dedication of our students and staff.

It's important to note that our Key Stage 2 cohort had a higher percentage of children on the special needs register, and we experienced significant mobility with children joining the school during Key Stage 2.

Our Trust Strategic Plan is reflective of these factors. We continuously adapt our strategies to meet the diverse needs of all students, ensuring that each child receives the support and opportunities they require to succeed academically and personally.

Thank you for your ongoing support and trust in our commitment to the holistic development of every child at our school.

  School National 
Phonics (Year 1): Percentage at expected standard 89% 79%
Phonics (Year 2 Retakes): Percentage at expected standard 75% (3 out of 4 children)                                                             89%
KS1 Attainment: Reading 93% 67%      
KS1 Attainment: Writing   83% 58%
KS1 Attainment: Maths 83% 68%
KS2 Attainment: Reading 76% 67%
KS2 Attainment: Writing 69% 71%
KS2 Attainment: Maths 55% 73%
KS2:  EGPS 59% 72%
KS2: Reading: Average scaled score 105 105
KS2: Maths: Average scaled score  102 104
KS2: Reading, Writing, Maths 41% 59%
Greater Depth Standard (GDS): Reading 28% 29%
Greater Depth Standard (GDS): Writing 24% 13%
Greater Depth Standard (GDS): Maths 17% 24%

Secondary Phase Results

Progress 8 -0.26
Attainment 8 4.3
GCSE APS 44.36
English and Maths 4+ 64%                                                         
English and Maths 5+ 41%

17% of students entered

APS English - 4.9

APS Maths - 4.15

APS Science - 4.27

APS Humanities - 3.13

Destinations - Year 11

Full Time Education 92.4%
Apprenticeship 2.9%                                       
Employment Without Training 2.3%
Not Settled (Active in the Labour Market) 1.8%
Temporary Break from Learning 0.6%
Remained for Aylesford Sixth Form 28%

Year 11 destination 


Post 16 Results

A-Level APS 29
Average Grade Per Entry C                                                                   
Destinations - Year 13
University 63%
Apprenticeship 9%                                     
College 5%
Employment 7%
Gap Year 16%
 Year 13 destinations


Results 2022

Post 16

A Level APS 32.2
Average grade per entry C+
Applied subjects APS  29
Average grade per entry  Merit +                                        


Secondary Phase

Attainment 8 44.6
English and Maths 4+ 65%
Staying in education and employment 97%
Staying in education 91%                                                                         


Results 2019

Outcomes for External Examinations in 2019

The school is pleased to share the outcomes at both GCSE and Post 16 qualifications for 2019. Students, supported by their parents and teachers should be proud of the achievement garnered from all their hard work and efforts.

GCSE Provisional results 2019

  • Progress 8:                                + 0.08: national 0   
  • Attainment 8:                              48.9: national 46
  • English best grade 4+                80% : national 71.5%
  • English best grade 5+                70% : national 54.7%
  • Maths grade 4+                          80% : national 74.7%
  • Maths grade 5+                          55% : national 51.9%
  • Science overall  4+                     72% 
  • Science(Double Award) 4+         64% : national 57.5%         
  • En/Ma Basic  4+                         70%
  • En/Ma 5+                                   48.6%: national 46%
  • Humanities 4+ against entry      64%
  • Languages 4+ against entry      94%
  • 5 or more subjects at 4+ GCSE incl. En/Ma       68%
  • 5 or more subjects at 4+ GCSE overall              73%
  • 5 or more subject passes at grade 1-9               99%
  • Percentage of all grades at 4+ 76% (national 67%)
  • Percentage of all grades at 7+ 20% (national 20%)

A Level and BTEC Level 3 Provisional Results 2019

  • A*/A Dist *                    20%
  • A*/B Dist+                     40%
  • A*-C Merit+                   74%
  • A*-E Pass+                    95%
