In this section...



From left to right:- Dave Moon, Christie Morrison, Jess Bishop, Beth Parsons, Anna Scopes (non-governor – Deputy Head), Tim Dumbleton-Thomas, Tim Hodgson, Gurpreet Dusanjh, Angelique Edkins (non-governor – Director of Primary Education), Janet Neale, Donna Savage, Jackie Levett, Mike Swallow

If you need to contact the governing body, please use the following email address:-

Name: Link: Panel Start of Term End of Term

Beth Parsons – Chair (appointed Sept 2023)

"My professional background is in HR.  After working in a corporate environment for many years, I led a HR team for an FE College Group before becoming an independent consultant in 2016.  I work as an associate for a large legal organisation, as well as a mediator, coach and Leadership Development facilitator across a wide variety of organisations and sectors.  Community involvement is important to me, so it made sense to give back to a school in my own community given the experience and knowledge I had gathered during my time in FE.  I have two children, both of whom enjoyed their time at Aylesford, being on the Governing Body is a practical way to give back."

Beth joined the Governing Body in 2017 as a Parent Governor, and is now a co-opted Governor.  Elected Chair in September 2023, she is also the Link Governor for Science and English.  Beth has also sat on PEX panels, and been part of the panel completing Headteacher appraisals.

Standards, Personnel and Curriculum

1st July 2017

3rd January 2025

Tim Dumbleton-Thomas – Vice Chair (appointed Sept 2023)

"As well as my children attending Aylesford at different points, my background is in education policy, IT and digital projects and helping people get access to the internet. I work at the Department of Education, developing policy and support to help schools get the most out of technology and data and I previously worked on the government's laptops and tablets programme during the pandemic. I have also worked at a large social housing provider helping families and young people get online and managed a wide range of systems and website services. I put myself forward to be a Governor to contribute back to the School community that has been so supportive of my boys."

Tim joined the Governing Body in May 2022 as a co-opted governor.  Elected Vice Chair in September 2023, he is also the Link Governor for IT / Digital.

Finance and Premises (Chair)

13th June 2022

12th June 2026

Mike SwallowChair of Standards, Personnel & Curriculum

"I am now retired but prior to retirement, I was a Chartered Surveyor specialising in the valuation, development and management of land and property. Laterally in my career, I managed a number of property and architecture teams. Both of my children were students at Aylesford School achieving their full potential. I am pleased to be able to continue my involvement with the school."

Mike joined the Governing Body in 2011 as a Parent Governor and is now a co-opted Governor.  He is a Responsible Officer, the Link Governor for Headteacher Performance Management, and has also sat on PEX panels.

Standards, Personnel and Curriculum (Chair)

1st January 2022

1st January 2026

Dr Jess Bishop – Vice Chair Standards, Personnel & Curriculum

Jess has two children at the primary school. She works an Associate Professor at Coventry University leading the Curriculum area for Social Work, Childhood, Youth and Education, and Practice Education. Jess has over 25 years’ experience of teaching in formal and informal education settings in Primary and Secondary schools, a variety of Youth Work organisations and Higher Education.  

Jess is a Qualified Teacher (QTS), Qualified Youth Worker (JNC), and an Instructor for Mental Health First Aid England. She has a variety of governance experience within the youth sector acting as trustee for regional youth projects, national charity and for Aylesford Primary PTA.  

Jess joined the Governing Body in September 2023 as a Parent Governor.  As well as being the Vice Chair of SP&C, she is the Link Governor for Sixth Form and Maths.

Standards, Personnel and Curriculum

3rd July 2023

2nd July 2027

David Moon – Chair of Finance and Premises

"I am a qualified accountant.  I work in the utilities industry with a background in strategy development, finance, asset management, regulation and leadership.  I reached out to the school to be part of the governing body as I wanted to support the school in delivering first class education to all of the children.  I bring focus, challenge and optimism to the roll and have experience working with multiple stakeholders in challenging yet collaborative environments in search of a common goal.  Having children at the school also gives me real time feedback which is invaluable in contributing to discussions with senior leadership.  I also coach junior football in Warwick and have a number of other connections to the community.​"


David joined the board as a co-opted governor in September 2023.  Dave chairs F&P committee and sits on the full governing board.  He has 3 children, 2 of which attend the school at present.

Finance and Premises

18th September 2023

17th September 2027

Jackie Levett – Vice Chair Finance & Premises

"I am a retired teacher, having some experience during my career of working with most age groups, including adults. Before retiring, I was a Teacher of the Deaf at a Resource Base at a large secondary school in Birmingham.

Being a governor has always been interesting, giving me as a teacher, very useful insight into the ‘background workings’ of a school. At Aylesford I have always been on the Finance & Premises committee and have served as chair and vice-chair. My particular interests are special needs, numeracy and maths, sport and outdoor education."

Jackie Levett joined the governing body as a parent governor in January 2000.  Since the end of that term of office ended, she has been a co-opted. In 2022, Jackie also became a member.  Jackie is the Link Governor for SEND, PP and Disadvantaged and has also sat on PEX Panels

Finance and Premises Member

1st January 2020

1st January 2028

Janet Neale

"I have worked for Warwickshire County Council since leaving school and a significant proportion of that time was within the Education service.

My current role is within the Communities Directorate and involves me working with all WCC Services, the District and Borough Councils within Warwickshire, Developers and their Agents to try to ensure that appropriate mitigation comes with growth.

Outside of work, my two Jack Russell Terriers and two ex-rescue horses keep me busy."

Janet joined the Governing Body in July 2023 as a co-opted Governor.  She sits on F&P, and is also the Link Governor for H&S and Premises.

Finance and Premises

3rd July 2023

3rd July 2027

Donna Savage

"Throughout my working life, I have worked in several areas including managing a public house and general warehouse work whilst my children were young. I returned to my first career in schools, having been a teaching assistant in a special school before marrying and having children, when I joined Aylesford School Warwick in 2006 as a teaching assistant in the humanities department. Since then, I have had a couple of roles within school, Assistant Head of Year, Head of Year, before moving into safeguarding.

I am now the Director of Safeguarding for Aylesford School."

Donna joined the governing body in July 2012 as a staff governor, having previously held the role of Chair of Governors at a local primary schools.

Standards, Personnel and Curriculum

1st July 2017

1st July 2027

Mrs Anna Scopes

SLT - Deputy Headteacher

Senior Leadership Team - Deputy Headteacher

Mr Peter Robinson
Clerk to the Governing Body   November 2023  
Richard Lyttle Member N/A 1st January 2020  
Mrs Jane Hood Member N/A 29th March 2021  



