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School Vision / Ethos

Vision and Values

We want all members of our school community:  

  • to be ambitious in their dreams for the future by developing confidence in their own ability to succeed.
  • to show resilience in overcoming problems and empathy for those in need of assistance.
  • to be kind and treat everyone with consideration and respect.
  • to have high expectations; both of themselves and of other people.
  • to take responsibility for their own actions and the impact that these may have on others.
  • to work hard to achieve their potential and aspire for excellence in all that they do.
  • to demonstrate curiosity in the world around them and take responsibility for their own learning.
  • to be safe, to feel safe and in turn to always protect the safety of others.
  • to always act with integrity, honesty, tolerance and compassion.
  • to adopt a healthy lifestyle that supports both their personal wellbeing and the sustainability of the natural world around them.
  • to balance individual freedom of expression with the power of cooperation and collaboration with others.
  • to enjoy equality of opportunity irrespective of their economic background, beliefs, gender alignment or ethnicity.  
  • to take pride in both their own achievements and in the successes of their peers.
  • to be charitable by assisting those in need. 

Our Cultural Norms

5 Cultural Norms (1)