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Community Voice

Listening to Our Community

At Aylesford Primary, we believe that actively seeking and incorporating feedback from our entire school community is essential for continuous improvement. We value the voices of parents, pupils, and staff as partners in fulfilling our mission of providing an outstanding education.

Parent Questionnaire Findings

We recently surveyed our parents to gain insights into their perspectives on the school experience. Here you can view the results of our most recent parent questionnaire. We were delighted with the results and are grateful for this valuable input from our parents. Your feedback helps guide our efforts to continually enhance the educational experience for all students. Thank you!

Parent Questionnaire 2024 Primary Analysis

Quote 1

Quote 3

Quote 2

Pupil Survey Results

Coming soon - highlights from our latest pupil survey on school life, learning, and areas for growth. We deeply value our children's voices in shaping a positive school culture.