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Dragon Class

Welcome to dragon class


In Dragon Class we spread our wings and aim high.

My name is Miss Robbins and I am the class teacher for Dragon Class (Year 4). Dragon Class will be supported by Mrs Tovey and Miss Martin. 

What's coming up in the SpringTerm?

We are going back in time to a topic called 'Gods and Mortals' where we will be exploring what life was like Ancient Greece. As always, we will be taking a cross-curricular appraoch to our learning. Our class myth this term is King Midas and the Golden Touch and we will be creating our own myths using this key text. Please read the Spring news letter for an insight to each subject for this term. 

                                   Homework Clipart

What should I do? Maths

How often should I do it? 1 x a week

Where can I find it? Sent home with your child (Maths journals)


What should I do? Spellings

How often should I do it? At least 3 x a week

Where can I find it? EdShed


What should I do? Reading

How often should I do it? At least 3 x a week

Where can I find it? Reading Record


What should I do? TTRS

How often should I do it? optional- At least 3 x a week

Where can I find it? Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (





Page Downloads Date  
Dragon Class Autumn Newsletter 2023 22nd Sep 2023 Download
Curriculum Meeting 2023 06th Oct 2023 Download
Spring Newsletter 11th Jan 2024 Download