Dragon Class
In Dragon Class we spread our wings and aim high.
My name is Miss Cyphus and I am the class teacher for Dragon Class (Year 4). Dragon Class will be supported by Mrs Hird.
What's coming up in the Spring Term?
Happy New Year! We hope you have had a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas. This term, our new topic is ‘Gods and Mortals’, where the pupils will be learning about Ancient Myths and Legends and also Ancient Greece! As always, we shall be taking a cross-curricular approach to our learning and explore our topic through Literacy, History, Geography, Art, DT and Science. Please read the Spring news letter for an insight to each subject for this term.
What should I do? Maths
How often should I do it? 1 x a week
Where can I find it? Sent home with your child (Maths journals)
What should I do? Spellings
How often should I do it? At least 3 x a week
Where can I find it? EdShed
What should I do? Reading
How often should I do it? At least 3 x a week
Where can I find it? Reading Record
What should I do? TTRS
How often should I do it? optional- At least 3 x a week
Where can I find it? Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)