In this section...

Health & Wellbeing

The resources signposted on this page are not exhaustive but are designed to help parents/carers and young people with a starting point if they are worried about themselves or a friend.

Click here to access Compass's excellent list of resources where you can find help and support for a wide variety of issues, problems or concerns.  

Coventry and Warwickshire Mind offer support from Wellbeing Advisors for young people feeling down or worried.  They will help put you in touch with the right support for you.  To apply for this service, use the link in the image below:

Wellbeing advisor graphic






If you are a parent, carer or friend you will find most of the sites below useful. 

Remember, your GP is an ideal starting point if you are feel that you need help.

Resources specifically for parents and carers:

Parentwise (2)

Worried about teenager (2)

Alcohol support - NHS (

NHS coping with teenager (2)


Self help for young people:

Safe Haven - Coventry and Warwickshire

Mental health support for adults (16+) feeling overwhelmed or in crisis, every evening, 6pm–11pm.

Warwick centre













Kooth (2)

Self-help App for the Mind SAM - Apps on Google Play

Self help (2)

Calm - The #1 App for Meditation and Sleep

Calm (2)

Home Page - ChatHealth

Chat health (2)

MindShift CBT - Anxiety Relief on the App Store (

Mindshft (2)

Grief Toolkit

Grief Toolkit

Winter Wellness

Winter wellbeing

ChatHealth for young people:

If you are 11 to 19 years old you can text a school nurse on 07507 331 525 Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.You can message outside these times, but you will get a reply during opening hours. All chats are confidential. You can message for advice on all kinds of health issues, including general health, child development, behaviour, toileting advice, emotional wellbeing, sexual health, bullying and healthy eating. 


If you are having harmful thoughts:

YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds

Young minds (2)

HOPELINEUK | Papyrus UK | Suicide Prevention Charity (

Papyrus (2)

StayAlive - Essential suicide prevention for everyday life

Stay alive

Childline 0800 1111

Childline (2)


Support with a wider range of issues:

Help for teenagers, young adults and students - NHS (

Help for teenagers (2)

Home | Coventry, Warks & Solihull IAPT (

Healthyminds (2)


Helping one another:

Most of the resources on this page include advice for family and friends, but if you want advice on how to talk to your friend about mental health, try:

Time To Change | let's end mental health discrimination (

Time to change (2)


Services we can refer you to:


This service is for all school-aged children (age 5 to 19, or up to 25 for individuals with SEND) and their parents/carers – regardless of whether they attend a mainstream school. The team includes a range of healthcare professionals, who can offer support with topics such as:

  • Healthy eating
  • Dental health
  • Friendships and relationships
  • Bullying
  • Anxieties about changing schools
  • Parenting
  • Behaviour
  • Fussy eating
  • Sleep
  • Continence
  • Referral onto additional services
  • Emotional wellbeing including stress and anxiety

And many more.

Support can be provided in a way that suits you, including:

  • Individually, face-to-face or by phone
  • In group workshops
  • Via confidential text messaging services for young people and parents/carers

Compass (2)

Mental Health in Schools Team

To support with low mood and a range of anxiety issues:

Mental Health in Schools Team | CAMHS (

Mental health in schools (2)

We also have a school counsellor and a range of mentoring services in school. Please contact Mrs Reeves about these


Other avenues of support:

Gender diversity 

Homepage - Mermaids (

Mermaids (2)

General family support

Children and families – Warwickshire County Council

Children and families

Victims of sexual violence

Home - Safeline - Believe in you - Surviving sexual abuse & rape

Safeline (2)


The Proud Trust - Home of LGBT+ Youth

LGBT (2)