Food & Nutrition

Year 7 Each Rotation
New Knowledge:

Eat Well Guide -

Overview of 5 key Nutrients

Overview of Carbs as a nutrient

Overview of Protein as a nutrient

Overview of Calcium as a nutrient

Overview of Vitamins and Minerals as a nutrient


Learning to use Equipment

Have to use the grill

How to use the hob

How to use the oven


Basic Skills

Bridge Hold

Grip hold

Slicing, dicing, batons

Rubbing In


Previous Knowledge Required:

5 Key Food Groups

New Skills:

Theory lessons on each nutrient to understand key data of nutrient name, function in the body and good sources


Practical lessons to cover use of grill, hob and oven.


Practise using the basic food preparation skills of bridge hold, grip hold, slicing, dicing batons.


Practical lessons to use rubbing in technique

Practical lessons to use creaming method

Practical lessons to introduce use of grill

Practical lessons to introduce use of hob

Practical lessons to introduce use of oven

Practical lessons to introduce knife skills and cutting skills

Links to the school curriculum:

Science – Bacteria, change properties

Independent Activities: Creating new dishes, practicing key skills.
Web Links:
Year 8 Each Rotation
New Knowledge:

Eat Well Guide -

Detailed knowledge of Fibre

Detailed knowledge Protein

Overview of Seasonal Foods

Overview of Food Miles

Understanding function of ingredients

  Practical Skills

More complex Rubbing In technique

More complex bread dough

Awareness of seasonal/festival based dishes


Handling raw meat

Protein Coagulation Eat Well Guide - 

Previous Knowledge Required:

Eat Well Guide & 5 Key Nutrients, use of hob, grill and oven.  Use of kettles and knives. Recall of basic food preparation skills of bridge hold, grip hold, slicing, dicing batons. Excellent kitchen and food hygiene and safety.

New Skills:

Theory lessons to look at what fibre is, why we need it.

 Practical lessons to:

  • Use more complex rubbing in technique with higher fat content
  • Use more complex bread dough
  • Protein coagulation
  • Prepare and cook raw meat safely
  • Making all components in a dish
  • Setting food through chilling

Links to the school curriculum:

Science – Bacteria, change properties

Independent Activities: Creating new dishes, practicing key skills.
Web Links:
Year 9 Each Rotation
New Knowledge:





Time control

Food Production Methods

Previous Knowledge Required:

EEat Well Guide & 5 Key Nutrients, use of hob, grill and oven.  Use of kettles and knives. Recall of basic food preparation skills of bridge hold, grip hold, slicing, dicing batons. Excellent kitchen and food hygiene and safety, especially when using raw meat.

New Skills:

Practical lessons to:

  • Look at more complex layering
  • Use even more complex bread dough
  • Practice rolling out pastry and glazing
  • Making pastry
  • Making all components in a dish
  • Test impact of cooking times
  • Reviewing impact of different production methods.

Links to the school curriculum:

Maths – ratios, temperatures, times, money, calculations.  

Independent Activities: Creating new dishes, practicing key skills.
Web Links:
Year 10 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
New Knowledge:

2.Nutritional and Ingredient Information

Overview of Eat Well Guide - 5 key Nutrients



Overview of Carbs as a nutrient

Overview of Protein as a nutrient

Review of Fat as a nutrient



Overview of Calcium as a nutrient

Overview of Vitamins and Minerals as a nutrient  Focused review of Fat Soluble and Water Soluble Vitamins

Focused view of minerals - Sodium, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus, Fluoride, Iodine 




Different Dietary Needs

Nutritional needs at different life stages

Medical Dietary Needs

Personal/Moral/Ethical/Religious impacts on diet

Understanding of the microorganisms and enzymes which cause food spoilage and how that occurs

Awareness of the signs of food spoilage

How micro-organisms can be used effectively in food production

How contamination can occur

Awareness of key food poisoning bacteria


4. Principles of Food Safety

Understanding of how the buying and storage of food is important in ensuring the safety of food we consume.

Awareness of what best before dates and use by dates are and how they differ.

Food safety principles which apply to food preparation and cooking food

Knowledge of and effective use of personal hygiene in food preparation and serving

Knowledge of and effective use of food hygiene and safety in food preparation and cooking.


Re-enforce use of the hob, oven, grill, microwave

Re-enforce use of hand held food mixers

Use of pasta machine


Practical Skills

Re-enforce Bridge Hold

Re-enforce Grip hold

Making pasta, pastry and bread dough








Re-enforce handling raw meat

Re-enforce protein Coagulation

Using raising Agents

Time control


3. Cooking Food and Heat Transfer

Awareness of why we cook foods/ingredients

Become familiar with the 3 different methods by which heat is transferred

Observe methods that involve cooking with water, dry heat and oil. 

Observing the effects of different preparation/cooking styes on the nutritional value of ingredients/dishes.


Functional and Chemical Properties of food

Understanding that ingredients can behave in different ways where they are prepared or cooked differently.

Observing the effects of different preparation/cooking styles on the taste, texture, aroma and appearance of food.

Observing the effects of different preparation/cooking styes on the nutritional value of ingredients/dishes

6. Environmental impact and sustainability of food

Understanding significance of seasonal foods, organic foods , free range farming and genetically modified food.

Awareness of sustainability and sustainable methods of farming as well as the fortification of foods.

Knowledge of the impact of transportation, food miles and packaging

Develop understanding of the reasons for buying locally produced food

Awareness of the impact of food waste and how to reduce it.


Food Processing and production

Understanding of primary and secondary processing

generally and specifically for milk, grains, fruits and


Previous Knowledge Required: Basic food safety knowledge, 5 key nutrients, practical skills learned in KS3 Food safety, 5 key nutrients, practical skills learned in KS3 and term 1 of KS4 Food safety, 5 key nutrients, understanding of how ingredients work, practical skills learned in KS3 and start of  KS4
New Skills:

2. Nutritional and Ingredient Information

Theory lessons to look at food safety, food production, understanding recipes and the information within them.



Practical lessons to re-enforce use of hob and oven.


Practical Skills

Stuffed chicken thighs

Chinese lemon chicken

Cooking steak

Non-meat protein dish

Protein compliment


Carbohydrate based dishes – bread, puff pastry sausage plait, puff pastry pin wheel, pasta, lasagne,

Protein – sausage plait, lemon chicken, chicken Kiev, stuffed chicken thighs, baked beans on toast, hummus, pea risotto, mini lemon meringue tarts

Vitamins and Minerals – mini fruit tarts

Calcium -

Fats - puff pastry sausage plait, puff pastry pin wheel, shortbread, mini fruit tarts, mayonnaise


4. Food Safety

Class based experiences to observed effects which are applied to learnt knowledge

Jointing chicken practical lesson

Observing effects on bread untouched and touched with hands washed and not washed.

Impact of different preserving methods of cut apples to test enzymic browning


Principle of Food Safety

Safe storage of all ingredients required before making practical dishes

Safe storage, consumption, and reheating of food

Personal hygiene to be followed throughout all practical lessons

Food hygiene and safety procedures to be followed throughout all practical lessons

Application of knowledge to answer practice exam conditions

1.Nutritional and Ingredient Information

Theory lessons to look at food safety, food production, understanding recipes and the information within them.



Practical lessons to re-enforce use of hob, grill, oven and microwave.



Practical Skills

Practical lessons tore-enforce using the basic food preparation skills of bridge hold, grip hold, slicing, dicing batons.

Re-enforce use of gelatinisation and layering

Re-enforce protein coagulation

Use even more complex bread dough

Practice rolling out pastry and glazing

Making pastry

Re-enforce preparing and cooking raw meat safely

Making all components in a dish

Test impact of cooking times



Choux buns

Plasticity and shortening - Shortbread with different fats

Aeration - Puff pastry – in sausage plait and pizza pin wheel

Compared to shortcrust pastry in mini lemon meringue pies and fruit tarts

Gelatinisation in fruit tarts and white bechamel sauce in lasagne.

Dextrinisation – mini fruit tarts, puff pastry dishes, shortbread etc.

Foam formation – mini lemon meringue pies

Gluten formation in bread making and test with/without sugar.

Emulsification – mayonnaise making

Cooking meat/veg 4/5 different way to observe effects

6.Note making,

Applying knowledge to practice questions

Showing awareness of the origins of food to understand environmental impacts.



Practical Skills

Making Butter

Making pasts, pastry and bread doughs

Mini fruit tarts
Links to the School Curriculum:

Science – bacteria & micro-organisms.

PE – Nutrients

Nutritional intake

Diet linked illness

Science – heat transfer conductions, convention and radiation.

 Chemical reactions

Geography, maths, science - carbon Footprint
Independent Activities: Cooking a variety of dishes, presentation of dishes, research skills, IT presentation skills Cooking a variety of dishes, presentation of dishes, research skills, IT presentation skills Cooking a variety of dishes, presentation of dishes, research skills, IT presentation skills
Web Links:  


Year 11 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
New Knowledge:

Testing the food science knowledge they have about how ingredients work and what they need to work have the impacts we expect.


Start to apply learning to dishes they could make that match a specific brief.


Understand the food skills they have which can be used to make dishes that maybe unfamiliar to them.


Make dishes which are relevant to a specific cuisine, life stage, dietary need

Continue to apply learning to dishes they could make that match a specific brief.


Understand the food skills they have which can be used to make dishes that maybe unfamiliar to them.


Make dishes which are relevant to a specific cuisine, life stage, and dietary need.

Exam question structures

Previous Knowledge Required:

Functional and chemical properties of Food Skills.

Principles of different cuisines, life stages and dietary needs. 

Food Skills

Principles of different cuisines, life stages and dietary needs.
Revising entire food curriculum
New Skills:

Completing an accurate food science experiment. 

Linking dishes to specific tasks, costing up recipes, 

Exam question skills

Links to the School Curriculum:

Chemistry and Biology, Maths, English and IT.

Chemistry and Biology, Maths, English, Geography and IT

Chemistry and Biology, Maths, English and IT.
Independent Activities: Identifying which tests to complete and why.  Conducting tests and analysis results.  Identifying key dishes which display complex practical skills, review the dishes and identifying common skills or ingredients from which they can make another dish. Practicing exam skills
Web Links: example_nea_food_investigation_tasks_and_commentaries.pdf