Business & Enterprise



Business studies provides students with the knowledge and understanding that underpins modern business, from small enterprises to large, global firms. The curriculum explores the entrepreneurial mind-set as well as essential technical skills required to be successful in business, encouraging students to analyse and justify choices using independent research and robust data.

Year 10 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic: Entrepreneurship & small business practice Effective businesses & external influences Business growth & marketing
New Knowledge:
  • The dynamic nature of business
  • How new business ideas come about
  • The impact of risk and reward on business
  • The purpose of business activity
  • The role of entrepreneurship
  • Understanding customer needs
  • Purpose and methods of market research
  • Targeting customers through segmentation
  • Strengths and weaknesses of competitors
  • Impact of competition on business
  • Business aims and objectives
  • Revenues, costs and profits
  • Cash flow and financial forecasting
  • Sources of business finance
  • Start-up options for small businesses
  • Factors affecting business location
  • The marketing mix
  • Business plans
  • Business stakeholders
  • How technology influences business
  • The impact of legislation
  • The impact of the economic climate
  • Importance of internal and external influences
  • Start-up options for small businesses
  • Factors affecting business location
  • The marketing mix
  • Business plans
  • Business stakeholders
  • How technology influences business
  • The impact of legislation
  • The impact of the economic climate
  • Importance of internal and external influences
Previous Knowledge Required:
  • Awareness of different types of small business
  • Awareness of e-commerce and digital marketing
  • Basic skills in calculating and using money
  • The impact of internal factors on business
  • The purpose of business activity
  • Awareness of payment and communication tech
  • Business aims and objectives
  • The marketing mix
  • Importance of external influences
  • Revenues, costs and profits
New Skills:
  • Creation of appropriate market research materials
  • Analysis of market research data to inform decisions
  • Market segmentation and market mapping
  • SWOT analysis
  • Break-even formula and chart analysis
  • Calculating gross/ net profit/ margin of safety
  • Ability to create SMART objectives
  • Awareness of how to create a business plan
  • Analysis of marketing mix choices
  • Calculating exchange rates, import/export costs
  • Ability to justify changes in the marketing mix
  • Analysis of trades offs with ethics and profit
  • Calculation of mark-up on prices to cover costs
  • Exam technique for end of Theme 1 mock
Links to the School Curriculum:
  • Maths –representing data & cash flow forecasts
  • Media – marketing methods
  • Sport – SWOT analysis
  • Geography – the UK’s evolving human landscape
  • Maths – calculation of exchange rates
  • Media – marketing mix
  • Economics – the economic climate
  • Geography – the UK’s evolving human landscape
  • Maths –calculating costs and mark-up
  • Media – marketing mix
  • Geography – Development dynamics
  • Ethics – ethical trading considerations
Independent Activities:
  • Play Monopoly board game
  • Read Business for Beginners by Hall, Bryan and Stover (Usborne)
  • Watch The Apprentice on BBC
  • Watch Dragons’ Den on BBC
  • Play Cashflow board game
  • Listen to a business news podcast
  • Play a Tycoon game online
  • Learn how to use Excel formulae and formatting
Web Links:
Year 11 Term 1 Term 2 + 3
Key Topic: Business operations, finances & Human Resources Revision, exam skills practice & mock exams
New Knowledge:
  • Exploring business operations
  • Functional areas of businesses
  • Working with suppliers
  • Quality control
  • The sales process
  • Accounting & business calculations
  • Measuring business performance
  • Organisational structures
  • Effective recruitment
  • Training and development of employees
  • Workplace motivation
  • No new content – all revision!
  • Layout and potential content of exam papers
  • Strategies for answering longer questions
  • Feedback and improvements from mock exams
Previous Knowledge Required:
  • Business stakeholders
  • Importance of internal and external influences
  • Revenues, costs and profits
  • Cash flow and financial forecasting
  • Sources of business finance
  • All Theme 1 content for revision
  • All Theme 2 content for revision
  • All formulae and calculations required
  • All key terms required
New Skills:
  • Using a bar gate stock graph
  • Calculating profits and costs
  • Calculating average rate of return
  • Creating good CVs
  • Exam technique and strategies
  • Ability to answer a range of question types
  • Memorisation of key terms  
Links to the School Curriculum:
  • Maths – interpreting graphs and charts, calculating profits etc.
  • PSHE – writing a CV
  • Economics – organisational structures, accounting and inflation
  • Geography – the UK’s evolving human landscape
  • Maths – calculations and graph analysis
  • Economics – accounting, economic climate etc.
  • Ethics – ethical business operations
  • Media – marketing mix
  • Sport – SWOT analysis
Independent Activities:
  • Read Teenpreneur: how to build a business in your teens by Errol Lawson (EWL Consultants)
  • Create your own revision flashcards
  • Create mind-maps for each topic
  • Watch revision videos on YouTube
  • Read your revision books and notes!
Web Links:


Business and Enterprise Curriculum