

 Art is the application of creative ideas through a range of different skills and techniques: it teaches you how to observe and how to show what you have observed through a range of different media. Art is about being inspired by others and reflecting on their work to influence your own.

Art KS3 Curriculum

GCSE Art Curriculum

Curriculum Overview 

Year 7 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic:

Mark-making & Pattern


Value, Form & Colour

New Knowledge:
  • Learn about the artist Clare Youngs
  • Create decorative patterns
  • Recording of beetle from observation – shape, scale and proportion
  • Beetle design with creative patterns
  • Learn about the artist Helen Wells
  • How to describe an artist’s work using adjectives and referencing the Formal Elements of art (line, space, shape)
  • Describe the work of Marijah Bac Cam
  • Definition of ‘value’ and ‘form’ within art
  • Learn about Picasso’s blue period and make contextual links
  • Learn about the colour wheel and colour theory (primary, secondary, tertiary, analogous, complimentary colours)
  • Learn about Impressionism and Post-impressionism
  • Learn how to draw a landscape including foreground, middle-ground and background
Previous Knowledge Required:
  • How to use Google to research an artist
  • How to navigate an artist’s website to find relevant information
  • Referencing line work from previous term and how to look at and describe an artist’s work
  • Recording from observation with different pens
  • Remembering how to look at a painting and describe what you can see in terms of the formal elements (line, space, shape, texture)
New Skills:
  • Mark-making
  • Print-making workshop
  • Collage beetle using hand printed papers
  • Gradation of colour
  • Continuous line drawing
  • Recording (drawing) from observation with biro and fineliner pen
  • Drawing with Indian ink and sticks
  • How to turn a 2D circle into a 3D sphere using shadows and highlights
  • Putting colour mixing theory into practice and using the Post-impressionist painting technique (dabs and dashes of paint, lots of shades of each colour applied together).
Links to the School Curriculum:
  • Textiles – pattern
  • Maths - symmetry


  • Science – colour
  • Graphics – shape and form
Independent Activities:
  • What another insect are symmetrical that you could draw? Have a go at drawing one and then use pencil crayons to apply colour to all of the different segments.
  • What else could you try drawing with that you wouldn’t normally draw with?
  • Have you ever tried drawing with 2 pens taped together?
  • What about drawing with your non-dominant hand?
  • Colour wheel task – create a colour wheel using any materials – paint it, collage it, Lego it, bake it, Mine Craft it…!
  • Practise your colour mixing skills at home.
  • Can you find any other artists who have painting predominately using just one colour?
Weblinks: Youtube - Continuous line drawing of a manArtist Draws with One LineShell Studies in Pen - What is Impressioism? (1st half)
Year 8 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic:

Mexican Day of the Dead – Recording from Observation

Mexican Day of the Dead – Watercolour Painting & Final Outcome     

Portrait Drawing – Developing into Political Portraits

New Knowledge:
  • History of the Mexican Day of the Dead ‘Dia de los Muertos’
  • Learn about the artist Thaneeya McCardle
  • Recording skulls from different viewpoints
  • How to apply tonal values – greys on white and white/grey on black
  • How to draw flowers – detail and layers of petals
  • Application of pencil crayon
  • How to draw on a larger scale – working on A3
  • Introduction to using watercolour paints
  • Learn about Leonardo Da Vinci’s anatomical drawings
  • Recording anatomical body parts – heart, lungs, side of neck
  • Learning about the proportions of the face
  • How to draw individual facial features
  • Learn about the artist Josh Bryan
  • Introduction to political portraiture
  • Learn about the work of Shepard Fairey and Rebecca Hendin
Previous Knowledge Required:
  • Recording from observation – shape, scale and proportion
  • Tonal values
  • Analysis of an artist’s work
  • Flower drawing
  • Learn about the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo
  • Colour theory – knowledge of the colour wheel
  • Drawing with biro
  • Recording from observation - scale and proportions
  • Tonal values – pencil shading
  • Mark-making
  • Drawing with biro
  • Analysis of artists’ work
New Skills:
  • Drawing sugar skulls to show symmetry
  • Applying tonal values to a 3D form
  • Colour layering with pencil crayons
  • How to use watercolour paints – colour layering, colour blending, wet into wet, cling film and salt resist techniques
  • Anatomical drawings using biro
  • Composition – how to compose a final outcome
  • How to draw the facial features
  • Using tonal values to create 3D forms
  • Use of mixed media techniques
  • Research current political issues locally, nationwide and globally.
  • Create a political message/slogan for your piece of work.
Links to the School Curriculum:
  • Spanish – Mexican Day of the Dead/festivals
  • Maths – symmetry
  • Graphics – shape and form
  • Science – anatomical drawings of internal organs and skeletal forms
  • Sociology

Independent Activities:

  • Create your own sugar skull design. Try to make it symmetrical.
  • Try drawing some flowers using a continuous line. Work from flower images from the internet. Use the skills that you learned in year 7 when we did continuous line natural form drawings and use a biro for these.
  • Which issues do you think are the most important globally at the moment? Choose one and produce a page of research using news articles on this theme to back up your argument. Include current images too.
  • Are there any pieces of artwork that have been produced recently in support of this cause?
Year 9 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic:

Steam Punk Insects 

Steam Punk Glasses Design

Chuck Close Portraits

New Knowledge:
  • Introduction to the theme ‘Steam punk’
  • Learn about the artists Lucy Arnold and Rosalind Monks
  • Introduction to the designer Cyrus Kabiru
  • How to design a pair of glasses incorporating inspiration from different sources
  • Introduction to the work of Chuck Close
  • Learn about ‘photo realism’
Previous Knowledge Required:
  • Drawing insects
  • Symmetry
  • Drawing from observation
  • Scale and proportion
  • Tonal Values
  • Pencil crayon – blending colours and colour layering
  • Watercolour painting skills
  • Analyse and respond to an artist’s work
  • Application of colour and tonal values
  • Cutting and sticking
  • Tonal values
  • Drawing the facial features
  • Research and analyse the work of an artist making reference to the formal elements of art
  • Colour theory – colour mixing
  • Painting skills
New Skills:
  • Drawing car parts (cogs and wheels) with charcoal and chalk
  • Working on a larger scale
  • Preparing backgrounds to work on – tea/coffee stain, Clingfilm resist
  • Designing glasses – how to draw them successfully
  • Using mixed media to create glasses design in relief on a 2D face
  • Glue gun work
  • Modelling with wire, card and paper
  • Learn how to use a grid to draw a portrait of the artist Chuck Close
  • Experiment with Chuck Close’s grid technique introducing colour and abstract shapes
  • Creating a portrait in the style of Chuck Close and painting it using abstract shapes in the style of Chuck Close 
Links to the School Curriculum:
  • History – the Victorian era, industrial revolution
  • Maths – symmetry
  • D&T – cogs and movement
  • D&T graphics
  • Maths - grid work

Independent Activities:

  • Choose a different animal and turn it into a steam punk inspired invention so that it is part animal, part machine.
  • Design a piece of steam punk inspired headwear. Draw it in detail and then apply colour or shading.
Year 10 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic:

Natural Forms – Recording from Observation

Natural Forms - Printmaking

Man-made Structures

New Knowledge:
  • Introduction to the concept of natural forms – brainstorm ideas
  • How to take a photo-shoot and why this is important
  • Use of secondary sources for recording
  • Introduction to printmaking: collograph printing
  • Learn about the artist/printmaker Suzi Thompson
  • Introduction to lino printing
  • Introduction to the theme of man-made structures and show examples of inspirational architecture from around the local area and some nationwide cities.
  • How to take photos of buildings – angles, composition and lighting
  • Research the artist Charles Demuth
  • Research your own artists independently who have produced artwork on architecture, to support the development of your own ideas
  • Learn how to develop ideas
  • Refinement of ideas
Previous Knowledge Required:
  • Recording from observation with pencil
  • Tonal values
  • Pencil crayon work – colour layering, blending and gradation
  • Drawing with biro
  • Watercolour painting – building up layers of colours and colour mixing


  • Recording natural forms from observation
  • Composition
  • Texture
  • Pattern
  • Recording from observation with pencil
  • Tonal values
  • Pencil crayon work – colour layering, blending and gradation
  • Drawing with biro
  • Watercolour painting – building up layers of colours and colour mixing
  • Acrylic painting skills
New Skills:
  • Use of acrylic paints – consistency, colour mixing and blending, texture and techniques
  • Creating different background effects to produce pieces of recording on – tea/coffee stain, wash of colour, salt/Clingfilm resist


  • How to create a collograph printing board from mixed media
  • How to print using the printing press
  • Lino cutting skills
  • How to manage time during the 5 hour mock exam


  • Drawing buildings – proportions, angles, details, perspective
  • Using a grid for recording from observation
  • Acrylic prepared backgrounds
  • Painting with watercolour paint on an acrylic painted background
Links to the School Curriculum:
  • Biology - Natural forms


  • Geography – the built environment
  • History – the history of Warwick

Independent Activities:

Visit art galleries and museums to see art first hand and make connections with your own work. Evidence this in your coursework where relevant.


Research more artists or printmakers who have used natural forms (specifically your chosen area of natural forms) as inspiration for their own work.


Those who are aiming for the highest grades need to work independently to produce more than the minimum amount of work which is that set by the class teacher. They should complete more pieces of recording; more development pieces; more pieces of refinement and use more artist links as their work develops.

Visit art galleries and museums to see art first hand and make connections with your own work. Evidence this in your coursework where relevant.


Research more printmakers who have used natural forms (specifically your chosen area of natural forms) as inspiration for their own work.

Those who are aiming for the highest grades need to work independently to produce more than the minimum amount of work which is that set by the class teacher. They should complete more pieces of recording; more development pieces; more pieces of refinement and use more artist links as their work develops.

Visit art galleries and museums to see art first hand and make connections with your own work. Evidence this in your coursework where relevant.


Research more artists who have produced drawings or paintings of architecture. Produce these as artist links and use their inspiration to develop your own ideas.

Year 11 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic:

Close Up Structures/Mock Exam

GCSE Exam Prep


New Knowledge:
  • Students reflect on previous 2 projects of work to decide which theme they will use as a basis for this coursework project – analysis and selection
  • Students work independently to direct their own project, creating a more abstract piece of work
  • Look at OCR criteria for Set Task and reflect upon language used for each band.
Previous Knowledge Required:
  • Recording from observation with pencil
  • Tonal values
  • Pencil crayon work – colour layering, blending and gradation
  • Drawing with biro
  • Watercolour painting – building up layers of colours and colour mixing
  • Use of acrylic paints – consistency, colour mixing and blending, texture and techniques
  • Creating different background effects to produce pieces of recording on – tea/coffee stain, wash of colour, salt/Clingfilm resist
  • Brainstorm ideas visually
  • Photo shoot skills
  • Recording using relevant wet and dry media
  • Research relevant artists to inspire and influence the development of ideas
  • Refinement of ideas
New Skills:
  • Students take new photos of zoomed in details of their chosen theme – learn how to take close-up photos (macro setting)
  • Recording close up details
  • Time-management for the 5 hour mock exam
  • Annotation skills
  • How to select a starting point
  • Presentation of exam prep
  • How time plan and manage time effectively during prep work and for the 10 hour Set Task
Links to the School Curriculum:
  • Textiles – pattern and repeat

Independent Activities:

  • Visit art galleries and museums to see art first hand and make connections with your own work. Evidence this in your coursework where relevant.
  • Make visits to relevant places a bit further afield to take new photos for your project
  • Find more artists to inspire and influence your own work.
  • Those who are aiming for the highest grades need to work independently to produce more than the minimum amount of work which is that set by the class teacher. They should complete more pieces of recording; more development pieces; more pieces of refinement and use more artist links as their work develops.
  • Visit art galleries and museums to see art first hand and make connections with your own work. Evidence this in your exam prep work where relevant.
  • Those who are aiming for the highest grades need to work independently to produce more than the minimum amount of work which is that set by the class teacher. They should complete more pieces of recording; more development pieces; more pieces of refinement and use more artist links as their work develops.