Child Development


Child development looks at pre-conception, right up to the age of 5 years old and examines how children develop and what they need to be able to do so. It also includes specialist childcare knowledge and skills and how to design a safe environment.


Year 10 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
New Knowledge:

Ro58 – Creating a safe environment

Choosing suitable equipment

Nutritional needs

To plan a safe environment for a nursery setting.

Types of childhood accidents.

Prevent some accidents in a setting.

Essential equipment and factors for your choices.

Indoor and outdoor equipment for babies and children.

Current government guidelines for dietary recommendations and healthy eating.

Essential nutrition and sources.

Planning means for children.

Looking at different types of milk (bottle and breast).

How to evaluate planning a feed or meal for a child.

RO58/RO59 – P.I.E.S for 1-5 years

Stages and types of play

Observe development

Plan and evaluate activities

Sequence of development in a baby to child.

Physical development.

Intellectual development.


Number skills.

Social development. Communicating with others.

Acceptable behavior.

Sharing skills.

Independence and self-esteem.


Stages and types of play.

Looking at how play benefits development.

Intellectual development.

Social skills.


Observe the development of a child (1-5 years).

Methods of observation/ recording.

Confidentiality and permission.

Play and evaluate play activities.

How to evaluate plans for activities and their findings.


Completing both courseworks so it can be sent off to OCR.
Previous Knowledge Required:

Homelife and families out of school.

Some nutritional requirements for healthy eating and the Eat well guide that may have been learnt in earlier years.

Friends with small siblings

Possible development of a child.

New Skills:


Computer skills



Computer skills

Coursework and deadlines
Links to the School Curriculum:

Food tech

Computer skills



Computer skills

Independent Activities:


Working with children

Having experience in the kitchen at home.
Research/ building up a relationship with a child that you may use for your coursework  
Web Links:
Year 11 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
New Knowledge:

RO57 – Pre-conception

Antenatal care

Factors affecting health for man and women. (*smoking, drinking, healthy lifestyles).

Types of contraception for men and women.

Structure of the reproductive systems.

Menstrual cycle.

How reproduction takes place.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

The purpose and importance of antenatal clinics.

Screening and diagnostic checks.

Choices available for delivery.

The role of the birthing partner.

Methods of pain relief.

Signs labour has started.

3 stages of labour.

Methods of assisted birth.

Postnatal checks

Postnatal care for mother and baby.

6 week check and it’s purpose.

Development needs of children.


Illnesses and environment

Signs and symptoms of illness.

How to care for an ill child.

How to ensure a child-friendly safe environment is met.

Recognising hazards and preventing them.

Safety labelling.

Revision for the RO57 exam in June 

Previous Knowledge Required:

Information from families or friends about any of the information, but is not a requirement

Information from families or friends about any of the information, but is not a requirement

New Skills:

Taught through powerpoints, worksheets and group activities

Taught through powerpoints, worksheets and group activities

Links to the School Curriculum:



Independent Activities:

Discussing labour and birth with family members

Flash cards, note taking, mind maps  
Web Links: