

Textiles is the application of creative ideas through a range of different textile skills and techniques: it teaches you how to observe and construct what you have observed through a range of different textile media. Textiles is about being inspired by others and reflecting on their work to influence your own.

Textiles KS3 Curriculum

GCSE Textiles Curriculum

Curriculum Overview:

Year 7 Textiles Project
Key Topic: Monster Mash – Sock Monster
New Knowledge

Introduction textiles and to creating 3D textile sculptures responding to the textile artist John Murphy.

Create a fabric phone or pencil case inspired by Jon Burgerman that focuses on different decorative techniques and exploring various textile techniques.

Previous Knowledge Required: None
New Skills:

Understand and analyse the work of John Murphy and Jon Burgerman and their purpose, techniques and subject matter.

Design development from observational drawings from moshi monsters and monster images; looking at shape, form, pattern, colour, line and proportion.

Experiment with a range of different materials, exploring different textile techniques.

Understand the different elements of a sewing kit.

Understand how to complete basic stitches (running and whip).

Explore different techniques to apply colour and pattern.

To experiment with stitch for construction and decoration.

Develop the ability to make decisions and work through refining and modifying ideas/ processes independently to create personal and meaningful responses that realise students’ intentions.

Links to the School Curriculum:


Design and Technology
Independent Activities:

Independent development of the project theme showing individual creative ideas from concept to completion.

Strong connections with the work of practitioners to support independent ideas and the improvement of their skills.

Web Links: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Stupid-Sock-Creatures-Lovable-Cast-off/dp/1579906109https://jonburgerman.com/
Year 8 Pillow Project
Key Topic: Pillow Packet
New Knowledge

Students will understand the process to create a packet shaped cushion.

Students will analyse the work of textile artists such as Holly Levell and Claes Oldenburg.

Previous Knowledge Required:

Understand and analyse the work of textile artists and their purpose, techniques and subject matter.

Design development from observational drawings. Looking at shape, form, pattern, colour, line and proportion.

Experiment with a range of different materials, exploring different textile techniques.

Understand the different elements of a sewing kit.

Understand how to complete basic stitches.

Explore different techniques to apply colour and pattern.

To experiment with stitch for construction and decoration.

Develop the ability to make decisions and work through refining and modifying ideas/ processes independently to create personal and meaningful responses that realise students’ intentions.

New Skills:

Understand and develop the technique of Applique.

Introduction to the sewing machine.

Links to the School Curriculum:


Food Technology


Independent Activities:

Independent development of the project theme showing individual creative ideas from concept to completion.

Strong connections with the work of practitioners to support independent ideas and the improvement of their skills.

Web Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB91flTprsI
Year 9 Pop Bag Project
Key Topic: Pop Bag - Bag Design
New Knowledge

Students will create a bag design inspired by the work of textile designer Edo Morales and Sarah Gwyer.

Students will research what the term ‘Pop Culture’ is and how it effects the design industry.

Students will analyse the work of artists and art movements such as Pop Art.

Previous Knowledge Required:

Understand and analyse the work of textile artists and their purpose, techniques and subject matter.

Design development from observational drawings. Looking at shape, form, pattern, colour, line and proportion.

Experiment with a range of different materials, exploring different textile techniques.

Understand the different elements of a sewing kit.

Understand how to complete hand embroidery stitches.

Understand how to complete Applique.

Explore different techniques to apply colour and pattern.

To experiment with stitch for decoration.

Develop the ability to make decisions and work through refining and modifying ideas/ processes independently to create personal and meaningful responses that realise students’ intentions.

New Skills:

How to embellish designs using a range of different textile techniques.

Links to the School Curriculum:



Independent Activities:

Independent development of the project theme showing individual creative ideas from concept to completion.

Strong connections with the work of practitioners to support independent ideas and the improvement of their skills.

Web Links: https://www.tate.org.uk/kids/explore/what-is/pop-art


Year 10 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
New Knowledge:

Understand and analyse the work of Yellena James and Moy Mackay. Their purpose, techniques and subject matter.

Understand and analyse the work of Vanessa Barragao.

The history of weaving and the Dovecot Studios.

Understand and analyse the work of Rosie James and Carrie Ann Schumacher.

Previous Knowledge Required:

Drawing from observation in a range of media; looking at patterns, texture, colour and line.

Informed choices in the final stages of realising their intentions in final outcomes to produce a final textile artwork.

Rigorous contextual research.

Purposeful connections to textile artists. Making effective use of the work of others to inform their own practice.

The use of annotations to explain journey and clarify connections.

Experiment with a range of textile techniques such as:

Hand embroidery

Machine embroidery

Develop the ability to make decisions and work through refining and modifying ideas/ processes independently.

Drawing from observation in a range of media; looking at patterns, texture, colour and line.

Photography used as a visual research tool to good effect to contribute not only to investigations and development but also to the growth of their understanding and use of visual language. 
New Skills:

Rigorous contextual research.

Purposeful connections to textile artists. Making effective use of the work of others to inform their own practice.


The use of annotations to explain journey and clarify connections.


Experiment with a range of new materials, exploring different textile techniques such as:

Hand embroidery

Machine embroidery


Wet felting

Needle felting

Photography used as a visual research tool to good effect to contribute not only to investigations and development but also to the growth of their understanding and use of visual language.

Develop the ability to make decisions and work through refining and modifying ideas/ processes independently.

Experiment with a range of new materials, exploring different textile techniques such as:



Experiment with a range of new materials, exploring different textile techniques such as:


Using found materials for sample development.


Informed choices in the final stages of realising their intentions in final outcomes to produce a final recycled garment.

Links to the School Curriculum:




Independent Activities:

Independent development of the project theme showing individual creative ideas from concept to completion.

Strong connections with the work of practitioners to support independent ideas and the improvement of their skills.

Assembling relevant source material for personal themes. 

Visits to galleries, exhibitions and museums contributing to candidates work. Using the research gained to be informative in the development of independent projects.


Independent development of the project theme showing individual creative ideas from concept to completion.

Strong connections with the work of practitioners to support independent ideas and the improvement of their skills.

Assembling relevant source material for personal themes. 

Visits to galleries, exhibitions and museums contributing to candidates work. Using the research gained to be informative in the development of independent projects.
Web Links: https://yellena.comhttps://www.moymackaygallery.com https://www.vanessabarragao.comhttps://dovecotstudios.com https://www.textilecurator.com/home-default/home-2-2/rosie-james/www.carrieannschumacher.com
Year 11 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
New Knowledge:

Understand and analyse the work of independently selected textile artists. Their purpose, techniques and subject matter.

Understand and analyse the work of independently selected textile artists. Their purpose, techniques and subject matter.

Understand and analyse the work of independently selected textile artists. Their purpose, techniques and subject matter.

Previous Knowledge Required:

Rigorous contextual research.

Purposeful connections to textile artists. Making effective use of the work of others to inform their own practice.

The use of annotations to explain journey and clarify connections.

Experiment with a range of textile techniques such as:

Hand embroidery

Machine embroidery


Wet felting

Needle felting


Repurposing recycled materials

Develop the ability to make decisions and work through refining and modifying ideas/ processes independently.

Drawing from observation in a range of media; looking at patterns, texture, colour and line.

Photography used as a visual research tool to good effect to contribute not only to investigations and development but also to the growth of their understanding and use of visual language.

Rigorous contextual research.

Purposeful connections to textile artists. Making effective use of the work of others to inform their own practice.

The use of annotations to explain journey and clarify connections.

Experiment with a range of textile techniques such as:

Hand embroidery

Machine embroidery


Wet felting

Needle felting


Repurposing recycled materials

Develop the ability to make decisions and work through refining and modifying ideas/ processes independently.

Drawing from observation in a range of media; looking at patterns, texture, colour and line.

Photography used as a visual research tool to good effect to contribute not only to investigations and development but also to the growth of their understanding and use of visual language.


New Skills:


Working under timed conditions to create a final outcome.


Links to the School Curriculum:


Subjects demand on chosen theme.

Independent Activities:

Independent development of the project theme showing individual creative ideas from concept to completion.

Strong connections with the work of practitioners to support independent ideas and the improvement of their skills.

Assembling relevant source material for personal themes. 

Visits to galleries, exhibitions and museums contributing to candidates work. Using the research gained to be informative in the development of independent projects.



Web Links: https://artthescience.com/bloghttps://www.klariart.comhttps://karolinreichardt.com https://www.textileartist.org