

Photography is an exciting and artistic subject where students are encouraged to develop creativity and express themselves through the use of a lens. Photography teaches you how to relate to and analyse the work of other photographers and to apply key techniques and styles to create some exciting and well composed photographs. 

GCSE Photograhy Curriculum


Year 10 Term 1 Term 2  Term 3
Key Topic:

Light – mini project     

Motion – mini project 

Light Dark
New Knowledge:
  • Shutter speed, Aperture and ISO. 
  • Importance of light and how to manipulate to change emotion within an image.
  • Stop motion and long exposure.
  • Introduced to how a project is meant to flow and connect.  
  • How to create a contact sheet 
  • How to annotate 
  • Transferring images from SD card to documents


  • How to compose portrait images 
  •  How to direct your model 
  • How to refine ideas. 
  • How to use lighting in a studio environment. 
  • Developing their own photographer link choices to make project flow 
  • How to create an intense atmosphere within images. 
  • How to develop camera skills to evoke the viewer. 
  • Develop./enhance refinement skills 
  • New tools in Photoshop to manipulate images. 
Previous Knowledge Required:
  • Formal elements. 
  • Researching skills. 
  • PowerPoint software skills.  
  • Camera skills
  • Composition arrangement 
  • PowerPoint software skills
  • Choosing and analysing relevant photographers work. 
  • Transferring images from SD card to documents 
  • Directing a model 
  • Compositional skills 
  • PowerPoint software skills 
  • Choosing and analysing relevant photographers work.
New Skills:
  • Introduced to Photoshop software learning basic editing skills. 
  • DSLR camera technical skills.
  • Composition arrangement. 
  • Choosing relevant photographer links to support project ideas.
  • Setting up a studio (lighting) 
  • Setting up camera 
  • Developing Photoshop editing skills 
  • Composing images to create a certain atmosphere 
  • Advancing Photoshop editing skills
Links to the School Curriculum:
  • IT – use of adobe software and Microsoft
  • Science – connection to light.
  • Art – Researching artists 
  • Media – Analysing 
  • Media– analysing 
  • Art – analysing 
  • Media– analysing 
  • Art – analysing
Independent Activities:
  • Applying learnt camera skills in lesson to outside of school shoots. 
  • Analysing photographers
  •  Research more photographers who have used light or motion (specifically your chosen area) as inspiration for their own work.
  • Those who are aiming for the highest grades need to work independently to produce more than the minimum amount of work which is that set by the class teacher. 
  • They should complete more pieces of recording; more development pieces; more pieces of refinement and use more photographer links as their work develops.
  • Applying learnt camera skills in lesson to outside of school shoots. 
  • Analysing photographers
  • Research more photographers who have used light portraiture (specifically your chosen area) as inspiration for their own work.
  • Those who are aiming for the highest grades need to work independently to produce more than the minimum amount of work which is that set by the class teacher. 
  • They should complete more pieces of recording; more development pieces; more pieces of refinement and use more photographer links as their work develops.
  • Applying learnt camera skills in lesson to outside of school shoots. 
  • Analysing photographers
  • Research more photographers who have used dark portraiture (specifically your chosen area) as inspiration for their own work.
  • Those who are aiming for the highest grades need to work independently to produce more than the minimum amount of work which is that set by the class teacher. 
  • They should complete more pieces of recording; more development pieces; more pieces of refinement and use more photographer links as their work develops.
Web Links: -  


Year 11 Term 1 Term 2 
Key Topic:

Light and Dark

GCSE Exam Prep
New Knowledge:
  • Students reflect on previous 2 projects of work to decide how they would like to combine the two projects into one to form the basis for this coursework project
  • Students work independently to direct their own project, creating a more abstract piece of work.


  • Look at OCR criteria for Set Task and reflect upon language used for each band.
Previous Knowledge Required:
  • Studio set up 
  • Camera skills – shutter speed, aperture and ISO 
  • Camera techniques – main ones: leading lines, rule of thirds and depth of field. 
  • Model directing 
  • Creating chosen emotion and atmosphere. 
  • How lighting effects an image 

  • Brainstorm ideas with use of image examples
  • Recording using relevant camera techniques
  • Research relevant artists to inspire and influence the development of ideas
  • Refinement of ideas
New Skills:
  • Explore long shutter speed in more detail focused on portraiture – double exposure. 
  • Independent research to find photographer links and project ideas. 
  • How to present a final piece. 
  • How to select a starting point
  • Presentation of exam prep
  • How time plan and manage time effectively during prep work and for the 10 hour Set Task

Links to the School Curriculum:
  • Science – light 
  • Media– analysing 
  • Art – analysing

Independent Activities:
  • Visiting specific locations to carry out their photo shoots. 
  • Those who are aiming for the highest grades need to work independently to produce more than the minimum amount of work which is that set by the class teacher. 
  • They should complete more pieces of recording; more development pieces; more pieces of refinement and use more artist links as their work develops.


  • Visiting specific locations to carry out their photo shoots. 
  • Those who are aiming for the highest grades need to work independently to produce more than the minimum amount of work which is that set by the class teacher. 
  • They should complete more pieces of recording; more development pieces; more pieces of refinement and use more artist links as their work develops.

Web Links: