Religious Studies


Religious Education engages pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and world views address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own.

Year 7 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic:

What are the Big Questions?

Signs and Symbols
Worship Judaism
New Knowledge:
What are the Big Questions?
How can they be answered?
Secular and religious
World Religions
Signs and Symbols
Christian Symbols
Symbolism of Light and Dark
Samhain, Divali, Advent.

What is worship?

Private/Public Worship

Non/Compulsory worship

Places of worship - Mosque, Church, Mandir

Aids to worship

Why pray?



Origin and Identity


Judaism Today

Life Cycle

Family Life


Previous Knowledge Required:



(Christianity basics.)

(The Big Six)
What are the Big Questions?

What are the Big Questions?

What is worship?
New Skills: Research, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Interpretations. Research, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Interpretations. Research, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Interpretations.
Links to the School Curriculum:


PSHE Tolerance and Intolerance

PSHE Bullying

PSHE Relationships

PSHE Rules, rights and responsibilities

PSHE Immigration and Fairness.

Sociology Beliefs in Society

Art: Light and Dark.

MFL: Day of the Dead.

Drama: Day of the Dead.

Art: Day of the Dead.


PSHE Tolerance and Intolerance

PSHE Bullying

PSHE Relationships

PSHE Rules, rights and responsibilities

PSHE Immigration and Fairness.

Sociology Beliefs in Society

History Mediaeval Castles (including chapel)


PSHE Tolerance and Intolerance

PSHE Bullying

PSHE Relationships

PSHE Rules, rights and responsibilities

PSHE Immigration and Fairness.

Sociology Beliefs in Society

Science: Dissections (Kosher)

History: Holocaust
Independent Activities: Sudden Death at the Vicarage: Terence Copley. Writing on the Wall.  Terence Copley
Web Links:

BBC Bitesize

BBC Teach

My Life My Religion BBC Bitesize

Lego Bible/Brick Bible.

BBC Teach

My Life My Religion BBC

BBC Bitesize

BBC Teach

My Life My Religion BBC


Year 8 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic:


Life of Jesus Sikhism
New Knowledge:

What is Authority?

Authority in Judaism: The Torah, Abraham, Moses

Authority in Christianity: The Bible, Jesus

Authority in Islam: Qur’an, Prophet Muhammad


Authority in Sikhism: Guru Granth Sahib, Guru Nanak

The Life of Jesus:


The Missing Years


The temptations of Jesus

Holy Week

A new religion


Origin and Identity



Life Cycle

Family Life


Previous Knowledge Required:

What are the Big Questions?

What is worship?


What are the Big Questions?

What is worship?


What is authority?

What are the Big Questions?

What is worship?


What is authority?

The Life of Jesus

New Skills: Research, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Interpretations. Research, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Interpretations. Research, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Interpretations.
Links to the School Curriculum:


PSHE Rules, rights and responsibilities

PSHE Laws and Justice

Sociology Beliefs in Society

Sociology Crime and Deviance

PE: Authority in Sport


PSHE Rules, rights and responsibilities

PSHE Laws and Justice

PSHE Tolerance and Intolerance

Sociology Beliefs in Society

Sociology Crime and Deviance

Science: Timelines

History: Timelines.


PSHE Tolerance and Intolerance

PSHE Bullying

PSHE Relationships

PSHE Rules, rights and responsibilities

PSHE Immigration and Fairness.

Sociology Beliefs in Society

Independent Activities: Jesus in the Dock.  Kirkwood and Claydon The Judas Mystery.  Terence Copley Sikhism textbook: Philip Emmett.
Web Links:

BBC Bitesize

BBC Teach

My Life My Religion BBC

Saddleback Kids

Crossroads Kids Club

A-Z of Religion and Beliefs BBC

Saddleback Kids

Crossroads Kids Club

BBC Teach

BBC Bitesize

My Life My Religion BBC

Living Scriptures (Youtube)

A-Z of Religion and Beliefs BBC

BBC Teach

BBC Bitesize

My Life My Religion BBC

A-Z of Religion and Beliefs BBC

Year 9 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic:

Science and Religion

Is Our World Perfect?

Faith in Action

Christianity in Action
New Knowledge:

Science and Religion

Fact v Belief

Creation Myths

Christian Creation

Big Bang v Creation

Coincidence of Religion and Science

Belief and Scepticism

Can God and Science co-exist

Genetic Engineering


Is Our World Perfect?

The Problem of Evil and Suffering.

Good and Evil

The Holocaust

Why do good people suffer?

Original sin.

The Four Noble Truths.

Faith in Action

Aesop’s Fables

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

The Prodigal Son


Original sin.

The Four Noble Truths.


Christianity in Action

Martin Luther King

Malcolm X

Nelson Mandela

Cicely Saunders


The Dalai Lama

Aung San Suu Kyi

An introduction to Buddhism

Life of the Buddha

The Eight-Fold Path

Buddhist Teachings

Previous Knowledge Required:

What are the Big Questions?

What is worship?


What is authority?

The Life of Jesus


What are the Big Questions?

What is worship?


What is authority?

The Life of Jesus


Science and Religion

Is Our World Perfect?

What are the Big Questions?

What is worship?


What is authority?

The Life of Jesus


Science and Religion

Is Our World Perfect?

Faith/Christianity in Action

New Skills: Research, Application, Analysis, Evaluation.  Research, Application, Analysis, Evaluation Research, Application, Analysis, Evaluation.
Links to the School Curriculum:

PSHE Tolerance and Intolerance

PSHE Homophobia


PSHE Bereavement

PSHE Drugs

PSHE Alcohol

PSHE Sexting/Nudes/Inappropriate images.

Sociology Beliefs in Society

Sociology Crime and Deviance

English: Jekyll and Hyde

English: Theory of Evolution

English: Holocaust

History: Rise of the Dictators

History: Holocaust

Science: Genetic Engineering

Science: Morals of stem cell research.

MFL: Slave Trade

Drama: Slave Trade

History: Slave Trade

PSHE Tolerance and Intolerance

PSHE Immigration and Fairness

PSHE Volunteering

Sociology Beliefs in Society

Sociology Crime and Deviance

MFL: Fairy Tales. Grimm Brothers.

Drama: Grimm Brothers.

PE: Situation Ethics

PSHE Tolerance and Intolerance

PSHE Protect your mind

PSHE Bereavement.

Sociology Beliefs in Society

Independent Activities: Good and Evil presentation. Aesop’s Fables. The Lost Self.  Terence Copley
Web Links:

A-Z of Religion and Beliefs BBC

My Life My Religion BBC

Saddleback Kids

Living Scriptures (Youtube)

My Life My Religion BBC

A-Z of Religion and Beliefs BBC

Brick Bible

My Life My Religion BBC

A-Z of Religion and Beliefs BBC

Year 10 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic:

Christian Beliefs

Living the Christian Life

Living the Christian Life

Marriage and Family Life

Matters of Life and Death

Muslim Beliefs
New Knowledge:

Christian Beliefs

The Trinity

The creation of the universe and of humanity

The incarnation

The last days of Jesus’ life

The nature of salvation

Christian eschatology

The problem of evil and suffering

Solutions to the problem of evil and suffering.


Living the Christian Life


The role of the sacraments in Christian life

The nature and purpose of prayer


Living the Christian Life

Christian religious celebrations

The future of the Church

The importance of the local church

The worldwide Church.


Marriage and Family Life


Sexual Relationships


Support for the family in the local parish

Family Planning

Divorce and remarriage

Equality of men and women in the family

Gender prejudice and discrimination.

Matters of Life and Death 

Origins and value of the universe

The Sanctity of life

The origins and value of human life

The issue of abortion

Death and the afterlife

Non-religious arguments against life after death


The natural world.


Muslim Beliefs

The six beliefs of Islam

The five roots in Shi’a Islam

The nature of Allah

Risalah (prophets)

Previous Knowledge Required:

What are the Big Questions?

What is worship?


What is authority?

The Life of Jesus

Science and Religion

Is Our World Perfect?

Faith/Christianity in Action

What are the Big Questions?

What is worship?


What is authority?

The Life of Jesus

Science and Religion

Is Our World Perfect?

Faith/Christianity in Action

Christian Beliefs

Living the Christian Life

What are the Big Questions?

What is worship?


What is authority?

The Life of Jesus

Science and Religion

Is Our World Perfect?

Faith/Christianity in Action

Christian Beliefs

Living the Christian Life

Marriage and Family Life

New Skills: Research, Application, Analysis, Evaluation.  Research, Application, Analysis, Evaluation Research, Application, Analysis, Evaluation.
Links to the School Curriculum:

PSHE Tolerance and Intolerance

PSHE Bullying

PSHE Relationships

PSHE Rules, rights and responsibilities

Sociology Beliefs in Society

PSHE Tolerance and Intolerance

PSHE Bullying

PSHE Relationships

PSHE Rules, rights and responsibilities

PSHE Homophobia

PSHE Volunteering

PSHE Contraception

Sociology Beliefs in Society

Sociology Family and Households

Science: Contraception

English: An Inspector Calls

PE: Gender discrimination

PSHE Tolerance and Intolerance

PSHE Relationships

PSHE Rules, rights and responsibilities

PSHE Homophobia

PSHE Volunteering

PSHE Contraception

Sociology Beliefs in Society

English: An Inspector Calls.

Independent Activities:

My Revision Notes: Vocabulary and Exam Practice

Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1).  Religious Studies B Christianity and Islam Revision Workbook.

My Revision Notes: Vocabulary and Exam Practice

Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1).  Religious Studies B Christianity and Islam Revision Workbook.

My Revision Notes: Vocabulary and Exam Practice

Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1).  Religious Studies B Christianity and Islam Revision Workbook.

Life & Death Coursebook Charlotte Vardy.
Web Links:

Seneca Learning

BBC Bitesize



A-Z of Religion and Beliefs BBC

Seneca Learning

BBC Bitesize



A-Z of Religion and Beliefs BBC

Seneca Learning

BBC Bitesize


A-Z of Religion and Beliefs BBC


Year 11 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic:

Muslim Beliefs

Living the Muslim Life

Crime and Punishment

Peace and Conflict

Peace and Conflict

New Knowledge:

Muslim Beliefs

Muslim Holy Books

Malaikah (angels)

Al-Qadr (fate)

Akirah (Muslim beliefs about life after death).


Living the Muslim Life

The Ten Obligatory Acts




Zakah and Khums



Celebrations and Commemorations.

Crime and Punishment



Muslims attitudes to god, evil and suffering

Attitudes to punishment

The aims of punishment


The treatment of criminals

The death penalty.


Peace and conflict

Muslim attitudes towards peace

The role of Muslims in peace-making

Attitudes to conflict


Just War Theory

Peace and conflict

Holy War

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Issues surrounding conflict.

Previous Knowledge Required:

What are the Big Questions?

What is worship?


What is authority?

The Life of Jesus

Science and Religion

Is Our World Perfect?

Faith/Christianity in Action

Christian Beliefs

Living the Christian Life

Marriage and Family Life

Matters of Life and Death

What are the Big Questions?

What is worship?


What is authority?

The Life of Jesus

Science and Religion

Is Our World Perfect?

Faith/Christianity in Action

Christian Beliefs

Living the Christian Life

Marriage and Family Life

Matters of Life and Death

Muslim Beliefs

Living the Muslim Life

What are the Big Questions?

What is worship?


What is authority?

The Life of Jesus

Science and Religion

Is Our World Perfect?

Faith/Christianity in Action

Christian Beliefs

Living the Christian Life

Marriage and Family Life

Matters of Life and Death

Muslim Beliefs

Living the Muslim Life

Crime and Punishment

Peace and Conflict

New Skills: Research, Application, Analysis, Evaluation.  Research, Application, Analysis, Evaluation Research, Application, Analysis, Evaluation.
Links to the School Curriculum:

PSHE Tolerance and Intolerance

PSHE Bullying

PSHE Rules, rights and responsibilities

PSHE Volunteering

Sociology Beliefs in Society

PSHE Tolerance and Intolerance

PSHE Bullying

PSHE Relationships

PSHE Laws and Justice

PSHE Rules, rights and responsibilities

PSHE Volunteering

Sociology Beliefs in Society

Sociology Crime and Deviance

History: World War I

History: World War II

PSHE Tolerance and Intolerance

PSHE Bullying

PSHE Relationships

PSHE Rules, rights and responsibilities

Sociology Beliefs in Society

Sociology Crime and Deviance

Science: Nuclear Energy

English: Power and Conflict in Poetry

Independent Activities:

Sophie’s Choice

Seneca Learning

Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1).  Religious Studies B Christianity and Islam Revision Workbook.

Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1).  Religious Studies B Christianity and Islam Revision Workbook.

Seneca Learning

Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1).  Religious Studies B Christianity and Islam Revision Workbook.

Seneca Learning

Web Links:

Seneca Learning

BBC Bitesize


National Zakat Foundation

A-Z of Religion and Beliefs BBC

Seneca Learning

BBC Bitesize



A-Z of Religion and Beliefs BBC

Seneca Learning

BBC Bitesize



A-Z of Religion and Beliefs BBC