

The psychology department aims for all students to question human behaviour and develop an awe of wonder about the interactions between people. Students should develop an inquisitive nature to finding out the reasons why humans behave in a specific way but also to be confident in evaluating key research so that further developments and knowledge continue.  Throughout the course students develop a deeper level of empathy.

Year 10 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic: Research Methods Perception Psychological problems addiction
Knowledge Taught:

Importance of research

Types of data

Aims and hypothesis



Experimental method and design

Evaluation points for experiments

Case studies





Ethical issues in research

Representing data

Interpretation of data

Reliability and validity

Differences between sensation and perception

Visual cues and constancies

Monocular depth cues: relative size, linear perspective, occlusion and height in plane

Binocular depth cues: retinal disparity and convergence

Gibson’s direct theory of perception

Visual illusions- errors in cognitions

Gregory's constructivist theory of perception

Factors which affect perception including

1. Culture

2. Emotion

3. Motivation

4. Expectation

Characteristics of addiction

Diagnosing addiction

Experimental method

Biological theories of addiction

Social learning theory

Psychological explanations of addiction

Treating addiction - aversion therapy

Self-management programmes

Building from Previous Knowledge:

Experimental methods

Scatter graphs

Bar charts



Visual cues - linear perspective



Setting out key studies

Experimental method - key studies

Evaluation of key studies

Cultural awareness

Nature v's nurture

Case studies



New Skills: Observations -inter observer reliability
Carrying out research studies
Interpreting results in terms of the hypotheses
Evaluating validity of research method chosen
Application of depth cues to explaining illusions
Explanation of pictorial stimuli
Consideration of how culture influences behaviour
Evaluation of theories
Debating nature vs nurture
Consideration of effects on society
Developing empathy through understanding
Twin studies
Evaluating through reductionism and holism
Links to the School Curriculum Science - Scientific method of experiments

Maths - Representing and analysing data -although be aware of the different terminology

Science - Sensors
Art - Depth cues
PSHE - Peer pressure

Child development - nature / nurture

Science - genetics, hereditary

Enrichment Activities

Design and carry out own questionnaire and collect data

Investigate into the Stroop effect

Assess different types of visual illusions

Draw your own visual illusion

Rate people’s views on food when hungry or full

Research into how people are helped to stop addiction.

Web Links:


Year 10 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic: Memory Development Psychological Problems Depression
Knowledge Taught:

Processes of memory

Encoding, storage and retrieval

Key study - Baddeley encoding

Different types of memory

Structure of memory

Multistore memory model

Key study – Murdock’s serial position curve

Memory as an active process

Key study – Bartlett’s war of the ghosts

Theory of reconstructive memory

Factors affecting accuracy of memory

Retroactive and proactive interference

Context dependent forgetting

False memories 

Early brain development

Role of nature v's nurture

Piaget's theory of cognitive development

Schemas, assimilation and accommodation

Key developments in stages - conservation and egocentrism

Key studies –McGarrigle & Donaldson and Hughes

Evaluation of Piaget's theory

Application to education

Mindset theory of learning

Role of praise and self-efficacy

Learning styles

Willingham’s learning theory

Real life application such as learning styles and education.

Understanding mental health and illness

Cultural variations and characteristics of mental health

Individual differences in mental health problems

Social effects of mental health problems

Different types of depression and diagnosis

Biological explanations of depression

Psychological explanations of depression

Treating depression - medication and/or CBT

Key study - Wiles assessing effectiveness of CBT

Effectiveness of treatments

Building from Previous Knowledge:

Experimental methods

Calculating Averages

Design of a study


Interpretation of data

Drawing line graphs


Setting out key studies


Experimental method

Evaluating research studies



New Skills:

Understanding research studies

Evaluating research studies

Carrying out research studies

Evaluating models

Application of case studies

Debating nature v's nurture

Evaluating stage theories

Evaluating research (Paget’s methods)

Application to real world situations - education
Consideration of effects on society
Developing empathy through understanding
Application of treatments from causes
Evaluating effectiveness
Evaluating through reductionism and holism
Links to the School Curriculum Whole School - Revision Skills

Child development - stages of development, Piaget

Behaviour 4 learning - Praise and self - efficacy

PSHE - self efficacy

Science - Parts of the brain
PSHE - Individual differences

Pastoral - mental health

Enrichment Activities

Test other people on memory studies covered in class

Trial out different memory techniques, which one is the best?

Discuss past events with families and compare what you remembered

Carry out conservation tasks

Complete learning styles questionnaire and compare with family members. Check if the results indicate nature or nurture

Research into the affect COVID 19 has had on the increase on mental health

Web Links:


Year 11 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic: Language thought and communication Social influence Revision
Knowledge Taught:

Piaget’s theory and Sapir Wolfs hypothesis on language and thought.

Spoken language on recall of events and colours.
Animal communication

Communication in Bees

Form and function of animal and human


Verbal and non-verbal communication (Darwin)

Factors affecting personal space

Nurture / Nature in non-verbal communication

Emoticon study


Asch's Study on conformity

Factors affecting conformity rates such as group size, difficulty, anonymity, personality and expertise.

Milgram’s study

Factors affecting obedience such as authority, proximity, culture, personality.

Milgram’s agency theory

Application to GCSE questions

Focus on command words

Addressing importance of key terminology

Strengths and limitations of key studies


Building from Previous Knowledge:

Describe and evaluate theories (Piaget)

Evidence from Psychology trip (Dudley Zoo)
Experimental method
Application of studies

Experimental method

Predictions of results
Criticism of research
Cultural evaluations
Evaluation of studies including ethics

All topics covered in past exam papers

New Skills:

Compare and contrast

Real life application

Animal studies

Real life experience and application

Observation study

Revision skills and unlocking marks
Links to the School Curriculum Science - Evolutionary Theory

Science - Scientific method of experiments

History - Atrocities due to key authority figures i.e. Hitler

Enrichment Activities

Watch your pets and observe how they communicate.

Watch animals in a park or garden and

observe how they communicate

Carry out Asch’s study on conformity

Watch 12 Angry Men

Consider how people interact when in pairs or groups

Looking at past exam papers for Psychology

Look at mark schemes and examiner reports

Web Links:


Year 11 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic: The brain and neuropsychology Social influence Revision
Knowledge Taught:

Human nervous system

Neuron structure and function

Hebb’s theory of learning and neural growth

James Lange theory of emotion

Brain structure - frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital

lobes and cerebellum

Localisation of function in the brain

Penfield’s study - interpretive cortex

Cognitive neuroscience

Scanning techniques

Tulving’s gold memory study

Factors affecting bystander behaviour such as presence,

cost, similarity and expertise

Piliavin’s subway study

Collective behaviour factors such as social loafing

Crowd behaviour factors such as deindividuation, culture,

Personality and morality.

Social and dispositional factors  


See above.

Building from Previous Knowledge:

Early brain development

Nonverbal communication

CNS and neurons

Evaluating theories

Observation study

Learning strategies


New Skills:


Key areas of the brain

Medical research and its impact

Real life application and reporting

Observation study

Understand the affect others have on our own behaviour

Links to the School Curriculum Science - Neurons and CNS

Sociology - group behaviour

Maths - two way tables for observation research

Enrichment Activities

Create a model of the brain and identify key areas

 Talk with your Science teacher about neuron activity

Observe the occurrence of social loafing in group activities

Observe behaviour on public transport


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