Media Studies


Media studies is the study of communication through a range of media forms.  It teaches media literacy: the ability to identify and analyse media messages as well as to react and reflect on their intent and purpose.


Year 10

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic:

Introduction to Media Studies

Advertising and Marketing

Magazines + Newspapers

Crime Dramas

Radio Industry

NEA - Magazines
New Knowledge:
  • Terminology
  • Framework (Language, Representation, Industry, Audience)
  • Context
  • Technical Codes
  • This Girl Can campaign
  • Quality Street historical context
  • Codes and conventions of magazines
  • Codes and conventions of newspaper
  • Political landscape of the UK and newspaper affiliation
  • Social, Historical, Cultural and Political context
  • Technical codes
  • Broadcasting landscape of the UK
  • Regulatory rules for publishing and television
  • Difference between commercial and PSB radio
  • How BBC use their radio stations
  • Codes and conventions of a radio drama
Previous Knowledge Required:
  • PETAL analysis structure from English
  • General knowledge of media forms
  • Language techniques
  • Analysis of print texts
  • Language techniques
  • Media terminology
  • Knowledge of BBC funding
  • Codes and conventions of magazines
  • Media terminology
New Skills:
  • Correct application of Media terminology
  • Analysis of representation
  • Analysis of media language
  • Application of contextual information to analysis
  • Analysis of audio visual texts
  • Application of theory
  • Application of production context to a specific text.
  • PEEL writing structure
  • Creative media production
School Curricular Links:
  • Photography – rule of thirds
  • Business – 4Ps marketing model
  • Business – non-for-profit businesses + consumer regulation
  • IT – Use of photopea
Enrichment Activities:
  • Photography – rule of thirds
  • Business – 4Ps marketing model
  • Wider reading of newspaper content.
  • Wider engagement with a range of UK crime dramas.
  • Research into magazine market to match NEA brief
Year 11 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic:

Newspaper Industry

Film Industry

Video Game Industry

Music Videos


Final examinations
New Knowledge:
  • Regulation of the newspaper industry
  • Leveson enquiry and its recommendations
  • The Sun’s political affiliation history
  • Populist nationalism
  • The oligarch ownership of the film industry
  • Independent film codes and conventions vs Hollywood film c+cs
  • Production process of a film
  • Regulation of the video game industry and the PEGI rating system
  • How producers target specific and specialised audiences
  • How video games are funded
  • Roles within the music media industry
  • How both Katy Perry and Bruno Mars use media language to represent themselves as artists.
  • How the ownership of music artists affects their content
  • NONE – all revision of previously taught units
  • Some learning may occur in those pupils who have missed/were absent for previously taught content.
Previous Knowledge Required:
  • Production processes of making audio visual products
  • Tabloid codes and conventions
  • Political landscape of the UK
  • PEEL writing structure
  • The role of regulation
  • Analysis of audio visual texts
  • Media terminology
  • Media theory: male gaze theory
  • ALL – synoptic knowledge from across the course
New Skills:
  • Application of industry context to media language and representational points.
  • Synoptic summary of all areas of the framework
  • NONE – all revision of previously taught skills
Links to the School Curriculum:
  • Citizenship – Fake News
  • IT – digital devices
  • IT – use of photopea
Enrichment Activities:
  •  Watching of a range of films from the Bond franchise
  • Reading of The Sun newspaper
  • Playing of Fortnite
  • Wider watching of a range of music videos
  • Watching of revision videos made by Mrs Fisher or The Media Insider on Youtube
  • Accessing of the websites for the set products.
Weblinks: Use a range of the links across both year 10 and year 11 for revision.