

Computing at Aylesford incorporates information communication technology, digital literacy and computer science. This curriculum helps students acquire skills in computational thinking, problem solving and collaboration, allowing our students to make informed choices in our digital world.

Year 7 Topic 1 Topic 2
Key Topic: e-Safety Programming Essentials (Scratch)
New Knowledge:
  • How to use computers safely and politely
  • How to stay safe online
  • Exploring online communities
  • Threats and how to avoid them
  • Selecting appropriate software and images for a given task
  • Copyright and plagiarism 
  • Knowledge and application of key programming constructs using visual based programming (scratch)
  • Computer system: Input, Process, Output (IPO) model
  • Introduction to Computational thinking, problem solving and logical reasoning
  • Use a range of data types, structures and conditions
  • Use Boolean logic and comparison operators
  • Write efficient. modular programs with use of variables; know why this is important
  • Debugging, detecting and correcting errors in programs
  • Physical computing using Micro:bit
Previous Knowledge Required: Basic IT skills: using a keyboard, mouse etc. Basic IT skills: using a keyboard, mouse etc.
New Skills:
  • Research skills
  • Word processing and presentation software
  • Critique digital content
  • Create, reuse, revise, evaluate and repurpose digital artefacts
  • Predict, Run, Investigate, Modify, Make (PRIMM) programming
  • Trace outputs produced by difference inputs
  • Writing fully decomposed programs in Scratch
  • Use Scratch to control Micro:bit
Links to the School Curriculum: PSHE – being a responsible digital citizen   
Independent Activities:
  • Create your own blog on a topic of your choice
  • Learn to code HTML and create your own website
  • Improve your typing skills
  • Complete an ‘hour of code’ challenge, the choice is yours, from Dance Party to Minecraft, Disney to Flappy Birds
  • Learn how to use Scratch using the ‘’ online course
Web Links:


Year 8 Topic 1 Topic 2
Key Topic: Control Systems with Flowol and Micro:bit How Computers Communicate
New Knowledge:
  • Identify everyday situations where computer control is used
  • Identify common types of sensors used by control systems
  • Identify control flowchart symbols and understand how they are used to break down problems
  • Produce flowchart-based solutions for control systems that include sequences and loops, subroutines and variables
  • Explain why control systems might fail and how this might impact on safety
  • Controlling systems with Physical computing using micro:bit to control traffic lights
  • What is the Internet and how is it different to the World Wide Web?
  • Hardware required to connect to a network.
  • Network topologies; types and uses.
  • How Malware and hacking can affect networks and hinder computers from communicating correctly
  • What is encryption and why is it needed?
  • Thinking Machines: AI and thinking machines, real-world applications, steps to train machines, moral dilemmas
Previous Knowledge Required:
  • Basic understanding of programming constructs
New Skills:
  • Creating and editing flowcharts
  • Use flowchart software to control systems
  • Program Micro:bit to control a traffic light systems
Links to the School Curriculum:   PSHE – being a responsible digital citizen
Independent Activities:
  • Watch ‘Chips with everything’ and create an infographic on a topic you learned about
  • Complete some National Crime Agency cyber games and challenges
  • Enrol on a free cyber security programme
  • Visit Bletchley Park, home of the code breakers
Web Links:
Year 9 Topic 1 Topic 2
Key Topic: Programming II: Text-based programming with Python and micro:bit Understanding computers
New Knowledge:
  • Introduction to text-based programming to apply key programming constructs, use a range of data types, structures and conditions, use Boolean logic and comparison operators
  • Write efficient, modular text-based programs with use of variables; know why this is important
  • Debugging, detecting and correcting errors in text-based programs
  • Physical computing using Micro:bit
  • What is a computer? Different layers of computing systems: programs, operating system, physical components
  • Uses of Boolean logic in circuits and programming and link to hardware
  • Hardware and software components that make up computer systems including input, output and storage devices, types of memory, how components communicate with one another and with other systems
  • How instructions are stored and executed within a computer system
  • Understand how data of various types (including text, sounds and pictures) can be represented and manipulated digitally, in the form of binary digits
  • Measuring representation sizes; kilo-, mega-, giga-, tera-
Previous Knowledge Required:
  • Basic knowledge and application of key programming constructs
  • Basic Computational thinking, problem solving and logical reasoning
  • Boolean logic eg AND, OR and NOT
New Skills:
  • Predict, Run, Investigate, Modify, Make (PRIMM) programming
  • Trace outputs produced by difference inputs
  • Writing fully decomposed programs in Python
  • Use Python programs to control Micro:bit
  • Calculating file sizes
Links to the School Curriculum:   Maths: Basic mathematic calculations, operators
Independent Activities:
  • Extend your Python coding further with Time2code tutorials
  • Create Micro:bit projects of your owbn
  • Learn how write an LMC program using the ‘’ online course
  • Journey through the history of modern computing from its very beginnings to the present; visit the National Museum of Computing (in person or a 3D virtual tour)
  • Watch the “Crash Course in Computer Science” series of videos, taking you on a journey from the Early computer systems to modern day robots and machine learning
Web Links:


Year 10

Term 1

Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic:

1.1 Systems Architecture

1.2 Memory and Storage

Practical Programming skills

1.3 Computer Networks, connections and protocols
1.4 Network Security

Practical Programming skills

1.5 System Software

1.6 Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns

Practical Programming skills

New Knowledge:
  • Architecture of a CPU
  • CPU Performance
  • Embedded Systems
  • Primary Storage (memory)
  • Secondary storage
  • Units
  • Data storage
  • Data representation (characters, images, sounds)
  • Compression
  • Networks and topologies
  • Wired and Wireless networks, protocols and layers
  • Threats to computer systems and networks
  • Identifying and preventing vulnerabilities
  • Operating Systems
  • Utility Software
  • Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts, concerns and laws
Previous Knowledge Required:
  • Basic programming skills
  • Memory and storage
  • Data representation
  • Binary
  • Network topology and hardware
  • Threats to networks
New Skills:
  • Understanding the architecture of a computers including the CPU, ROM and RAM, how it works, its function and why
  • Calculating file sizes and understanding the implications of these on storage


  • Understanding the different types of software including operating systems, utilities programs and application software. How it works the main features and why / when it is needed
  • Knowledge of the ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of using computer systems and factors to consider when designing systems
Links to the School Curriculum:
  • MATHS: Multiplication and division
  ETHICS: difference between law and ethics
Independent Activities:
  • Complete Practical Programming skills
  • Revise and test you theory with BBC Bitesize
  • Complete Practical Programming skills
  • Build a virtual network
  • Complete Practical Programming skills
  • Watch BBC Click and research ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of computers in today’s world
Web Links:
Year 11

Term 1

Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic:

2.1 Algorithms

2.2 Programming fundamentals

2.3 Producing robust programs

2.4 Boolean logic

2.5 Programming languages and IDEs
New Knowledge:
  • Computational thinking
  • Designing, creating and refining algorithms
  • Searching and sorting algorithms
  • Programming fundamentals and additional techniques
  • Data types
  • Defensive design
  • Testing
  • Boolean Logic (AND, OR, NOT)
  • High and Low Level Languages
  • Integrated Development Environments
  • No new content – all revision
Previous Knowledge Required:
  • Key constructs of algorithms and programming
  • Writing text-based programs
  • Boolean Logic (AND OR NOT)
  • All Paper 1 content for revision
  • All Paper 2 content and skills for revision
  • All key terms required
New Skills:
  • Computational thinking skills and problem solving
  • Understanding how computers search and sort data


  • Understand how design affects computer and software users
  • Learn how to test programs and why testing is an important part of program development
  • Learn about the different types of languages, how they are used and by what

Links to the school curriculum: MATHS: Calculations, BIDMAS, Floor division
  • MATHS: Boolean Logic (AND OR NOT)
  • MATHS: Boolean Operators
Independent Activities:
  • Complete Practical Programming skills
  • Decomposition and algorithm practise skills
  • Learn to code in a different language eg
  • Complete Practical Programming skills

SMART:REVISE online: revision with interactive questions with Isaac Computing: an Algorithm a day:

Full set of video tutorials:

Web Links: