
Year 7 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic

What skills do I need as a Geographer?

Is our understanding of the world correct?

How is the UK changing?

Who was right, Malthus or Boserup?

What are the world’s biomes?

New Knowledge:

What is a Geographer?

What places does a geographer need to know?

What skills does a geographer need?

What is an OS map?  How is information shown in an OS map?

How do I locate a grid square on an OS map? (4fgr)

How do I locate a specific point on an OS map? (6fgr)

How do I locate places on an OS map?  Review

How do I use a scale line?

How is the shape of the land shown on an OS map?

How is the shape of the land shown on an OS map?

How can we use maps on the computer?

How can I use my map skills?

What are our perceptions of the world?

What effects our perceptions of the world?

How can we measure development?

How does development vary across the world?

Why does development vary across the world?

What is life like on the levels?

Is all of Africa developing?

Is migration a negative for the UK?

Are we experiencing more disasters?

Is climate change natural?

Is the world getting worse?

Is our understanding of the world wrong?

What have I learnt about map skills?

What is the UK?

What are the main features of the UK?

How is the population of the UK distributed?

What causes population to vary around the word?

How has the population structure across the UK changed?

Is Britain getting older?

Who are we?

Who wants to migrate to the UK?

Who wants to emigrate from the UK?

Is migration benefitting the UK?

Where is best to go on holiday in the UK?

Why is Jayne closing her hotel – mystery?

What is the difference between weather and climate?

What are the different types of weather?

How does climate vary around school?

How are weather and climate changing in the UK?

How does the geology of the UK vary across the country?

Why can’t Jim and Betty sell their house?

How does erosion change the UK coastline?

Why is erosion increasing on the coastline?

What will the UK be like in 100 years time?

Should we be concerned about the current changing population?

What happened on Easter Island?

What resources do we use worldwide?

How does burning fossil fuels contribute to climate change?

How will climate change effect different places?

How does Climate change lead to extreme events?

Why is Dubai building more hotels?

What happens when we run out of energy?

Is fracking the way forward?

What happened in Chernobyl?

How did Chernobyl effect the world?

How did Chernobyl effect the environment?

Is the UKs future nuclear?

What renewable options do we have?

Is renewable energy the future?

Is wind the future for the UK?

How are cities becoming more sustainable?

How sustainable is Aylesford School?

How should we make Aylesford more sustainable?

Who was right, Malthus or Boserup?

What are the world biomes and where are they?

What are the world biomes like?

Previous Knowledge Required:

Grid references Coordinates 

Continents and countries


Map skills

Climate change


Continents and countries

Continents and countries

New Skills:

Map skills

Data analysis

Geographical enquiry

Fieldwork skills

Decision making


Links to the School Curriculum:

Maths: Coordinates

MFL:  Locations of Spanish speaking countries

MFL: Directions

IT:  Planning a journey

Maths: data analysis

MFL: Weather symbols

History: Our history * Warwick castle

Science: climate change and energy resources

MFL: Solutions to global issues

English: Power of language

Science: biomes

Independent Activities:



Locating places on an OS map/digimaps

Are there any related news stories currently?

Use the gap minder website to look at different countries development across the world

Are there any related news stories currently?

Visit the coast to observe erosion in action

Make your own weather station – see link to met office

Look into your family history to see where your family originates. See forebears link

Are there any related news stories currently?

Watch ‘Before the Flood’

Work out you own environmental footprint (see link)

Look at how you can reduce climate change (see link)

 Are there any related news stories currently?

Play Minecraft. What characteristics are similar to the real biomes?

Play ‘build a biome’ See link below.

Create a terrarium for a chosen biome – see link

Visit the Eden project or the botanical gardens

Are there any related news stories currently?

Web Links:

See your teacher for a log in.$chart-type=bubbles&url=v1
Year 8 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic

Why are some countries more developed than others?

Who was right, Malthus or Boserup?

What are the world’s biomes?

What threatens cold environments?

What are the opportunities and challenges of Africa?

New Knowledge:

What is development?

How does the landscape effect development?

How does the climate effect development?

How does disease effect development?

What did Covid-19 show us about inequality?

How does war effect development?

How do hazards effect development?

How do Governments effect development?

What is Colonisation?

Does colonialism still exist?

What impact has colonialism had on African countries?

What impact has colonialism had on European countries?

What is Globalisation?

What is Globalisation?

What are the social and economic impacts of Globalisation?

What are the environmental impacts of Globalisation?

How can development be aided?

Why are some countries more developed than others?

Should we be concerned about the current changing population?

What happened on Easter Island?

What resources do we use worldwide?

How does burning fossil fuels contribute to climate change?

How will climate change effect different places?

How does Climate change lead to extreme events?

Why is Dubai building more hotels?

What happens when we run out of energy?

Is fracking the way forward?

Is the UKs future nuclear?

What renewable options do we have?

Is renewable energy the future?

Is wind the future for the UK?

How are cities becoming more sustainable?

How sustainable is Aylesford School?

How should we make Aylesford more sustainable?

Who was right, Malthus or Boserup?

What are the world biomes and where are they?

What are the world biomes like?

What are cold environments?

What is life like in cold environments?

What lives in cold environments?

What natural resources are located in cold environments?

Should Greenland exploit its natural resources?

Why is it important to protect cold environments?

Why are scientists interested in Antarctica?

What are the impacts of tourism in Svalbard?

What should a tourist resort in Svalbard look like?

What did David Attenborough teach us about plastic pollution?

How does plastic affect the environment?

How can the plastic problem be tackled?

How should cold environments be managed?

What are our perceptions of Africa?

How developed is Africa?

What is Africa like?

How has Colonisation affected Rwanda?

What is life like as a Nomad?

Why are Kenyan’s moving to Kibera?

What is life like living in absolute poverty in Kibera?

How do NGOs improve quality of life in urban Africa?

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

What is life like for a cocoa farmer?

What difference does Fair Trade make?

Why are there modern day pirates in/from Somalia?

How can the pirate problem be solved?

Does Africa benefit from the diamond industry?

Why does Ebola spread so rapidly?

How are outbreaks of Ebola managed?

Who really benefits from tourism in Gambia?

Who really benefits from tourism in Gambia?

How can tourism in Gambia be made more sustainable?

What is life like in South Africa?

Why is South Africa a BRICS?

How has colonisation effected South Africa?

Were our perceptions rights?

Previous Knowledge Required:

Tropical storms

Continents and countries

Climate change


Continents and countries

Continents and countries


Energy use and climate change


Continents and countries




Continents and countries


New Skills:


Decision making



Photograph analysis

Links to the School Curriculum:

Ethics: Colonialism

Science: Disease and vaccinations

MFL: Solutions to global issues

History: Colonialism

Science: and energy resources

MFL: Solutions to global issues

English: Power of language

Science: biomes

English: Microplastics

English: Survival

Science: biomes

MFL: Solutions to global issues

English: Power of language

Music: Africa

Ethics: Colonialism

History: Colonisation & Slavery

Science: Disease and vaccinations

Independent Activities:

Look at the products made in your house, where are they from?

Calculate your food miles.

Use the gapminder website to look at different countries development across the world

Are there any related news stories currently?

Watch ‘Before the Flood’

Work out you own environmental footprint (see link)

Look at how you can reduce climate change (see link)

Are there any related news stories currently?

Play Minecraft. What characteristics are similar to the real biomes?

Play ‘build a biome’ See link below.

Create a terrarium for a chosen biome – see link

Visit the Eden project or the botanical gardens

Watch frozen planet on BBC iPlayer

 Watch ice road truckers

 Are there any related news stories currently?

Look at the links for interesting documentaries on Africa


Are there any related news stories currently?

Web Links:$chart-type=bubbles&url=v1
Year 9 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic

Why are some countries more developed than others?

Will China be the next Superpower?

Should the tropical rainforest be protected?

How are cities changing?

What is the future of Russia?

New Knowledge:

What is development?

How does the landscape effect development?

How does the climate effect development?

How does disease effect development?

What did Covid-19 show us about inequality?

How does war effect development?

How do hazards effect development?

How do Governments effect development?

What is Colonisation?

Does colonialism still exist?

What impact has colonialism had on European countries?

What is Globalisation?

What are the social and economic impacts of Globalisation?

What are the environmental impacts of Globalisation?

How can development be aided?

How can development be aided?

Why are some countries more developed than others?

What are and who are the world’s superpower?

How has China’s economy developed?

How has Globalisation benefitted China?

What is life like in a Mega factory?

How is China linked to Africa?

What problems did China’s population cause?

What were the impacts of the One Child policy?

Was the One child policy worth it?

Does military spending make you a superpower?

Who has more cultural pull, China or USA?

Who will be the next superpower?

Will China be the next superpower?

Where the tropical rainforest and what is it like?

Why is there so much rain in the rainforest?

How is the rainforest structured?

How does an ecosystem work?

Why should the rainforest be protected

How are tribes dependent on the rainforest?

Why are humans exploiting the Amazon tropical rainforests?

How are is the climate and the rainforest interdependent?

How can tourism be made more sustainable?

How has Brazil benefitted from the TRF?

How can the rainforest be managed more sustainably?

Should Brazil be allowed to exploit the tropical rainforest?

Where do people live and why?

Why are cities growing?

Decline and rise of London case study - History

Pros and cons of urbanisation in London

London case study

Sustainable London lesson

Why is Pedro leaving his farm?

How do the rich live in Mexico city?

What is life like in a Mexican slum?

How can life in slums be improved?

What is the ‘American dream’?

What is life like for migrants crossing the border into the USA?

Stacey Dooley documentary

What are the impacts of migration from Mexico to the USA?

How is Mexican migration impacting on cities in USA?

How can a city become more sustainable?

What is Russia like?

What was the USSR?

How much power does Russia have today?

What is life like in Siberia?

Is everyone in Russia equal?

What are the impacts if climate change on Russia?

Why is oil important to Russia?

Why has the world cut ties with Russia?

What will Russia be like in 20 years?

What is Russia’s physical environment like?

What is a glacier and how they change the land?

How are erosional features formed?

What benefits to Glaciers provide Russia?

Previous Knowledge Required:

Tropical storms

Continents and countries

African colonisation

Climate change


African neo-colonialism




Sustainable use of cold environments



Climate change


UK cities






Cold environments

Climate change


Energy use

River and coastal processes

New Skills:



Identification of key players


Synoptic thinking

Links to the School Curriculum:

Ethics: Colonialism

Science: Disease and vaccinations

MFL: Solutions to global issues

History: Sweatshops in China

MFL: Solutions to global issues

Science: nutrient cycle, biomes

English: Survival

English: Power of language

MFL- Mexico city

Independent Activities:

Look at the products made in your house, where are they from?

Calculate your food miles.

Use the gapminder website to look at different countries development across the world

Are there any related news stories currently?

How many items in your house are made in China?

Watch ‘China: A new world order’ on BBC iPlayer

Are there any related news stories currently?

Create a tropical rainforest terrarium

Watch Planet Earth I and II Jungle episodes

Look at items in the supermarket for which types have the fair trade or rainforest alliance logos.

Are there any related news stories currently?

Visit the Eden project or Botanical gardens

Are there any related news stories currently?

Visit London to look at how it has developed and its sustainable future

Look at your local area, what were the reasons people chose to settle here originally?

Watch Russia with Simon Reeves on iPlayer

What does the newspaper say about Russia?

Web Links:$chart-type=bubbles&url=v1


Year 10 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic

Development Dynamics

Challenges of an urbanising world

Hazardous Earth

The UK’s evolving physical landscape

New Knowledge:

What is development and how is it measured?

What are the challenges facing a developing country?

How does development vary around the world and why?

How do demographic changes reflect development?

What are the theories that explain the development gap?

How can the development gap be reduced (including FDI)?

What are the key characteristics of India – physical, social and political?

How has India’s economy developed?

Is globalisation good for India?

How has India changed as a result of its development?

Is development equal across India?

How is India’s international role changing?

Where are the world’s megacities?

What are the causes of rapid urban change and megacities?

How do urban economies vary in developed and developing countries?

How do cities in developed countries change over time?

Why are some cities in decline?

What are the patterns of land use in countries at different levels of development?

What makes Mumbai a megacity?

How has Mumbai’s structure developed over time?

Why has Mumbai’s population changed rapidly over time?

What the opportunities of living in Mumbai?

What are the challenges of living in Mumbai?

How and why does quality of life vary across Mumbai?

What are the challenges facing Dharavi?

What is the aim of Vision Mumbai? Top down development

How sustainable is Vision Mumbai?

What are the aims of bottom up developments including SPARC and community toilet block, the Hamara Foundation and Lok Seva Sangam (LSS)? Bottom up development

How sustainable are bottom up developments including SPARC and community toilet block, the Hamara Foundation and Lok Seva Sangam (LSS)? Bottom up development

What is happening beneath our feet? 

Why do earthquakes and volcanoes happen at plate boundaries?

Why are there different types of volcano?

What are the impacts of volcanic eruptions?

How can the volcano risk be reduced?

Why do earthquakes happen?

What were the causes and effects of the Haiti earthquake?

How well was the Haiti earthquake managed?

What were the causes and effects of the Japan earthquake?

How well was the Japan earthquake managed??

How can earthquake vulnerability be reduced? Include building design

What evidence do we have of past climate change?

How and why are human activities causing the enhanced greenhouse effect?

What evidence do we have for human activity causing climate change?

What are the impacts of climate change?

Why are we uncertain about future climate change?

How does the global atmospheric circulation model affect climates (rainfall patterns)?

How do ocean currents affect global climates?

How do tropical storms form?

What were the causes and effects of Hurricane Katrina?

Why was Hurricane Katrina so devastating?

What were the causes and effects of the Cyclone Nargis?

Why was Cyclone Nargis so devastating?

What affects the vulnerability to atmospheric hazards?

How has geology and past processes influenced the UKs landscape?

How are glaciated landscapes formed?

How are chalk landscapes formed?

How has human activity shaped the UK landscape

How do river landscapes and channel characteristics change along the course of the river?

How are distinctive upper course features formed?

How are distinctive middle and lower course features formed?

How do human and physical features affect the flood risk?

How can the flood risk be managed?

How can we investigate flooding using fieldwork?

Why does the River Cocker flood?

What changes are there to the River Severn?

How effective was the management of the River Cocker flood?

How to undertake a fieldwork investigating the

How and why do drainage basin and channel characteristics influence flood risk for people and property in Church Stretton? – fieldwork investigation

Previous Knowledge Required:

KS3 learning

China case study

Causes of varied development

Development indicators

Development projects


KS3 learning

Sustainable buildings

Shanty towns

Population characteristics

China case study

KS4 learning

What is development?

How developed is India?

KS3 learning

Structure of the earth

Tectonic activity

Impacts of tectonic hazards

Tropical storms

KS4 learning

What is development?

What are the characteristics of developing countries?

KS3 learning

Glaciation and glaciated landscapes

Hydrological cycle

Rivers and flooding

New Skills:

Development indicators


Reading and interpreting graphs.

Reading and interpreting photographs


Answering exam questions (Label, Explain)

Reading and interpreting maps

Answering exam questions (Plot, Identify, Define, Assess)

Fieldwork techniques:

  • Stage 1: Introduction and planning.
  • Stage 2: Fieldwork techniques and methods.
  • Stage 3: Data Processing and presenting.
  • Stage 4: Analysing and Interpreting data.
  • Stage 5: Conclusions/Evaluation.
Links to the School Curriculum:


Science (Chemistry)

Science (Biology)


Independent Activities:
 Look at newspaper reports. Is there any mention of development? What does it say?
Investigate a charity you support/are thinking of supporting that aids in development (e.g. Oxfam). Does is benefit the people? How?

Look at newspaper reports. Is there any mention crowding in developing cities? What does it say?
Investigate an NGO you support/are thinking of supporting that aids in tackling overpopulation in developing cities (e.g. Comic Relief) Does is benefit the people? How?
Look at activities on zigzag link below.

 Visit the Natural History museum.


Look at the news reports, what natural disasters are happening? What are the impacts? Is the country developed, developing or emerging?


Look at activities on zigzag link below

Visit a river and walk from upstream to downstream observing the features. Are there any flood defences? Do you think they are effective?

Look at the news reports – is there any mention of flooding? What has happened?

Web Links:

An excellent source of information for all topics and some great extra-curricular ideas: resources and past papers for all topics – we are Edexcel B: for our spec: learning is free to join and has revision and questions on our spec:

Full of revision resources, case studies and extra-curricular activities:

An excellent source of information for all topics and some great extra-curricular ideas: resources and past papers for all topics – we are Edexcel B: for our spec: learning is free to join and has revision and questions on our spec:

Full of revision resources, case studies and extra-curricular activities:

An excellent source of information for all topics and some great extra-curricular ideas: resources and past papers for all topics – we are Edexcel B: for our spec: learning is free to join and has revision and questions on our spec:

Year 11 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Key Topic

The UK’s evolving physical landscape

The UK’s evolving human landscape

People and the biosphere


New Knowledge:

What processes are responsible for shaping the coastline?

Wave energy and type, geology and sub-aerial processes

How do sub-aerial processes shape the coastline?

How are distinctive coastal features formed by erosion?

How do waves transport material?

How are distinctive features formed by deposition?

What are the challenges facing the Holderness Coast?

How can coastlines be managed?

Why is the management of the Holderness Coast controversial?

Why is there an increasing risk of coastal flooding?

How can we protect our coastline?

How and why do the social characteristics of rural and urban locations differ?

How and why do the economic characteristics of rural and urban locations differ?

How and why is the UK economy becoming more global?

What caused Birmingham to grow as it did?

Why are there inequalities across Birmingham?

How is migration influencing Birmingham?

Why have some areas of Birmingham experienced social and economic decline?

How has Birmingham been regenerated?

Why have some areas of Birmingham experienced social and economic growth?

How has life in Birmingham been made more sustainable?

How and why is Birmingham interdependent on its rural surroundings?

Why has [rural area] experienced social and economic changes due to its links with Birmingham?

Why are rural economic activities, including farms, diversifying?

How does quality of life vary within two contrasting areas of Birmingham? – Fieldwork investigation

How can we explain the characteristics and distribution of biomes?

What local factors affect the distribution of biomes?

How does the biosphere act as a vital life support system?

How can increasing use of resources lead to over-exploitation?

Which population and resource theory is the most convincing?

Where are the taiga forests and tropical rainforests located?

What are the climates of the taiga forest and the tropical rainforest? – link to the adaptations -

How have plants and animals adapted to the taiga and tropical rainforest environments?

How do the nutrient cycles compare in the taiga and the tropical rainforest? /

How and why do the interactions between biotic and abiotic components of biomes vary between the taiga and the tropical rainforest?

What are the threats to the taiga forest?

Why is the taiga forest facing increasing threats from commercial development?

How significant is the threat of climate change to the taiga?

How can the taiga forest be protected?

What are the threats to the tropical rainforest?

Why is the tropical rainforest facing increasing threats from commercial development?

How significant is the threat of climate change to the tropical rainforest?

How can the tropical rainforest be managed sustainably?

What are the global patterns of energy production and consumption?

Why is demand for oil increasing?

Where are the sources of fossil fuels?

How can energy use be reduced?

How can we reduce our reliance on fossil fuels?

How are attitudes to energy and environmental issues changing?

Revision of:



Hazardous Earth

The UK’s evolving physical landscape

The UK’s evolving human landscape

People and the biosphere

Fieldwork techniques

Exam structure and techniques


Previous Knowledge Required:

KS3 learning

Coastal processes

KS3 learning



How are cities changing?

KS4 learning


KS3 learning


Climate change and energy use

Tropical rainforests

Cold environments

KS4 learning



Coasts and rivers

Urban environments

KS4 knowledge



Hazardous Earth

The UK’s evolving physical landscape

The UK’s evolving human landscape

People and the biosphere

Fieldwork techniques

New Skills:

Reading and interpreting maps

Answering exam questions (Identify, Define, Assess)

Answering exam questions (Evaluate)

Answering exam questions (Compare, Suggest, Select and Justify)

Revision skills

Links to the School Curriculum:

Science (Biology)




Science (Chemistry, Biology, Physics)

Food tech

All subjects

Independent Activities:
 Visit a coastline and observe areas of erosion. Are there any sea defences? What effect are they having?


Look at the news reports – is there any mention of coastal flooding or erosion? What has happened?

Visit Birmingham to look at the areas we have studied.


Look at Birmingham local newspaper. Is there any evidence for studentification, migration, regeneration or anything else we have studied?

 Watch the Planet Earth series I: Jungles and Seasonal Forests. (BBC IPlayer)

Watch the Planet Earth series II: Jungles (BBC IPlayer)

Watch Climate change the facts (BBC IPlayer)

Look at a newspaper – are there any geographical topics there?

Watch ‘Before the Flood’

Practicing revision strategies and working out what is best for you.

Ensuring all notes are complete and up to date (especially case studies)

Complete practice exam questions (see link below)

Web Links:

Full of revision resources, case studies and extra-curricular activities:

An excellent source of information for all topics and some great extra-curricular ideas: resources and past papers for all topics – we are Edexcel B: for our spec: learning is free to join and has revision and questions on our spec:

Full of revision resources, case studies and extra-curricular activities:

An excellent source of information for all topics and some great extra-curricular ideas: resources and past papers for all topics – we are Edexcel B: for our spec: learning is free to join and has revision and questions on our spec:

Full of revision resources, case studies and extra-curricular activities: excellent source of information for all topics and some great extra-curricular ideas: resources and past papers for all topics – we are Edexcel B: for our spec: learning is free to join and has revision and questions on our spec: