Year 7 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
New knowledge

Identify countries and nationalities

Be able to greet and introduce yourself

Count up to 100

Be able to write the date in Spanish

Use colours for descriptions

Knowing opinion phrases to give opinions about a variety of things

Describe your family and pets.

Use verbs in the 1st and 3rd person.

To be able to describe oneself physically and describe ones personality

Be able to identify a variety of sports and hobbies

Be able to give a variety of positive and negative opinions on various free time activities

Be able to identify and present the weather

Be able to link the weather with free time activities

Be able to say where you live

Be able to describe your local area

To be able to describe your house and furniture

To be able to say what you do at home to help

To be able to talk about a dream house

Previous knowledge required None

Basic vocabulary and key verbs e.g. tengo/soy/es


Descriptive vocabulary and transferrable verbs

New skills

1st person singular and 3rd person plural of key verbs – ser/tener

Verbs of opinions – gustarse/encantarse/odiar

Negative verbs of opinions

Quantifiers – muy/poco/bastante

Connectives – y/pero/también/sin embargo/además

Question words

Articles – genders

Possessive adjectives

1st person singular and 3rd person plural of key verbs – ser/tener

Verbs of opinions – gustarse/encantarse/odiar

Negative verbs of opinions

Quantifiers – muy/poco/bastante

Connectives – y/pero/también/sin embargo/además

Question words

Articles – genders

Possessive adjectives


Es and está

Prepositions of place

Definite articles (la/el)
Links to the school curriculum








Independent activities Create a fact-file about a Spanish-speaking country Create a personal profile in a social media style describing yourself and your family and the things you like doing  Design and annotate your room/ideal home
Year 8 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
New knowledge

To be able to discuss places in a town

To be able to understand and give directions

To be able to discuss weekend plans

To compare cities with the countryside

To be able to describe an area in the past and how it has changed

To be able to talk about and give opinions on school subjects

To tell the time

To be able to discuss school facilities

To be able to describe the school environment

To be able to discuss rules

To talk about extra-curricular activities

To discuss future plans

To be able to recognise and use items of food and drink

To be able to describe and give opinions on food and drink

To be able to order food and drink in a restaurant

To be able to discuss and recognise a healthy diet

To be able to learn body parts

To be able to recognise and discuss health problems and be able to give solutions

To be able to learn different modes of transport

To be able to discuss holiday plans (where, how, when, who, why)

To be able to talk about holiday activities

To be able to talk about holidays in the present, future and past

Previous knowledge required

 House and room vocabulary

Transferrable verbs



Town vocabulary

Transferrable verbs



Descriptive vocabulary from yr 7

Transferrable verbs


New skills


Singular and plural nouns

Ir in present and near future

Near future using voy a


Comparatives (mas…menos…tan…como)

Imperfect use of era and había


Opinions and reasons

Es/ Son las and a las for time

Adverbs of frequency

Modal verbs: se puede / se debe / debería

Future expressions using the conditional and near future

Antes de / después de

Comer and beber

Negative expressions

Quantifiers (mucho, poco)

Use of doler in first and third person

Ir with prepositions

Use of the verb soler in the present

Past tense

Future tense

Links to the school curriculum






Food tech



Geography/Travel and tourism

Independent activities Create, label and describe your prefect town Design a new school Café in Spanish   Create a comic strip of a dialogue in a pharmacy
Year 9 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
New knowledge

Discuss the Internet and social media

Form negative expressions

Discuss television programmes

Discuss watching films at the cinema and at home

Describe a trip to the cinema using the past tense

Discuss musical tastes

Discuss jobs and careers

Discuss fashion

Talking about shopping on the high street

Visiting a shopping centre

Dealing with problems when shopping

Discussing hypothetical situations

Describing morning routines

Describing afternoon and evening routines

Talking about relationships with family and friends

Comparing routines

Talking about global issues

Discussing solutions to global issues

Discovering Texan culture

Comparing Madrid and Barcelona

Discovering Mexico City

Finding out about Peru

Learning about life in Cuba

Planning a trip across South America

Previous knowledge required


Free time vocabulary

Transferrable grammar


Free time vocabulary

Transferrable grammar

Telling the time


Free time vocabulary

Transferrable grammar

Geographical and cultural knowledge

New skills

The preterit tense (regular and irregular verbs)

Using the future tense of regular verbs

Verbs of opinions – gustar/encantar/odiar

Negative verbs of opinions

Quantifiers – muy/poco/bastante

Connectives – y/pero/también/sin embargo/además


Superlatives (mejor / peor)

Demonstrative adjectives

The present continuous tense

Using indefinite adjectives

Using cardinal and ordinal numbers

Using direct object pronouns

Forming the conditional tense

Using reflexive verbs

Using certain prepositions with verbs

Forming irregular verbs in the future and conditional tense

Forming impersonal constructions

Forming radical changing verbs in the present tense

Forming the perfect tense (regular verbs)

Using irregular past participles in the perfect tense

Forming the imperfect tense

Using reflexive verbs in different tenses

Combining the future and the conditional

Links to the school curriculum








Geography/travel and tourism


Independent activities Write a review for a film or create an advert/poster/trailer for a made-up film in Spanish  Design your own shop, then write a daily routine for someone working there in Spanish Plan an itinerary for a dream holiday around Latin America, then write a trip diary in Spanish
Year 10 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
New knowledge

Unit 1.1 F  Hablando de los amigos

Unit 1.1 H Relaciones con la familia

Unit 1.2 F Planes para el futuro

Unit 1.2 H Las relaciones de hoy en dia

Unit 2.1. F ¿Cómo prefieres mantenerte en contacto?

Unit 2.1. H Las redes sociales: ¿buenas o malas?

Unit 2.2 F La tecnología portátil

Unit 2.2 H ¿Podrías vivir sin el móvil y la tableta?

Unit 3.1 F ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?

Unit 3.1 H Hablando del tiempo libre y de los planes

Unit 3.2 F Vamos a comer fuera

Unit 3.2 H Una cena especial

Unit 3.3 F ¿Qué deporte harás?

Unit 3.3 H El deporte en el mundo

Unit 4.1. F Algunas costumbres regionales

Unit 4.1. H ¿Cambian las costumbres?

Unit 4.2 F Las fiestas del mundo hispano

Unit 4.2 H Las fiestas de España – las fallas

Unit 5.1 F¿Cómo es tu casa?

Unit 5.1 H Mi casa y mi barrio

Unit 5.2 F Mi ciudad

Unit 5.2 H La ciudad y el campo

Unit 6.1 F Me gustaría ayudar

Unit 6.1 H La importancia de hacer obras benéficas

Unit 6.2 F ¿Llevas una vida sana?

Unit 6.2 H ¿Qué opinas?

Previous knowledge required

Family and technology vocab

Knowledge of tenses

KS3 grammar

Free time and hobbies vocab

Knowledge of tenses

KS3 grammar

Cultural knowledge

House, town and food vocab

Knowledge of tenses

KS3 grammar

General knowledge in regards to the topic of charity and voluntary work

New skills

Learning agreement and position of adjectives

Reflexive verbs (present tense)               

Using ser and estar

The uses of que to extend sentences

Using the immediate future tense

Direct and indirect object pronouns

Using irregular adjectives and adjectives of nationality

Using direct and indirect object pronouns together

Using the perfect tense of regular and irregular verbs

Había and era

Using estar and the present continuous tense

Using cuyo (whose) Further uses of por and para

Revising the regular present tense and some irregulars

Radical changing verbs

Forming regular adverbs

Using pronouns after para and con

Using the future tense

Hacer, haber, salir and tener in the future

Recognising irregular verbs in the future

Y becoming e, o becoming u

Using ser and ir in the preterite

Learning the preterite of tener and hacer

Using the preterite and the imperfect together


Formulating more complex questions

Using demonstrative adjectives and pronouns

Revising ir and hacer in present and preterite tenses

Using possessive pronouns

Using me gustaría

Using the conditional tense

The formation and use of the gerund

Using negative words

Learning about the present subjunctive

Revising the imperfect tense

Links to the school curriculum





Food Tech






Independent activities Draw and annotate a family tree in Spanish, including a detailed description of at least one family member  Design a poster in Spanish advertising a festival in the UK.  Draw and label your ideal town and home, using the conditional tense.
Year 11 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
New knowledge

Unit 7.1 F Protegiendo el medio ambiente

Unit 7.1 H Problemas ecológicos

Unit 7.2 F Los “sin techo”

Unit 7.2 H Es importante ayudar a los demás

Unit 8.1 F ¿Dónde te alojas?

Unit 8.1 H ¿Qué hiciste y qué te gustaría hacer durante las vacaciones?

Unit 8.2 F Un folleto turístico

Unit 8.2 H Describiendo tu región

Unit 9.1 F ¿Cómo ser un buen estudiante?

Unit 9.1 H ¿Qué tal el instituto?

Unit 10.1 F Las reglas y el uniforme

Unit 10.1 H Lo bueno y lo malo del instituto

Unit 11.1 F ¿Trabajar o estudiar?

Unit 11.1 H ¿Vale la pena ir a la universidad?

Unit 12.1 F Buscar trabajo

Unit 12.1 H El trabajo ideal

Revision program covering all previous topics

Previous knowledge required

Holiday and environmental vocab

Knowledge of tenses

KS3 and Y10 grammar

General knowledge of environmental issues

School and work vocab

Knowledge of tenses

KS3 and Y10 grammar

General knowledge about further study and the world of work


New skills

if’ sentences and The pluperfect tense
modal verbs to express recommendations/ obligations

The preterite to describe past events and actions
Reflexive constructions ie se debe, se puede + infinitive

Negative expressions
me encanta, me preocupa, etc. with the subjunctive

The imperfect sunjunctive and its use in ‘if’ clauses
Using expressions of sequence

Exclamations using the subjunctive
Revising the use of preterite and imperfect tenses

Further expressions of sequence (antes de haber, después de haber, mientras + imperfect)
Using estar + past participle

Giving opposite views

Using the passive and passive forms with se

Desde hacía + imperfect

Using the imperative & Revising the perfect tense

The preterite to describe past events and actions

Using the personal a & Desde hace + the present tense

Revising se debe, hay que, tener que

Verbs that take the infinitive

Using debería ser and debería haber

Further usage of the imperative

Using lo que and lo + adjective

Using expressions with tener

Using the present subjunctive after expressions of time

Using the infinitives of reflexive verbs

Using a variety of tenses & Revising adjectives

Using the present subjunctive in hypothetical situations

Forming and using the past continuous tense


Links to the school curriculum







All above

Independent activities Design and describe an eco-friendly tourist resort in Spanish Create an advert for Aylesford school to attract Spanish students Create revision question sheets for each unit with an answer key