
The intent of our PSHE curriculum is to enable children to explore their feelings and learn how to share and respect the feelings of others. It endeavours to promote a sense of self confidence, independence and responsibility, and enables them to effectively manage personal change and development.

PSHE at Aylesford, includes statutory Relationships and Health Education (England), in a spiral, progressive curriculum. It gives children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others. A wide variety of teaching and learning styles are used within PSHE lessons, with an emphasis on interactive learning with the teacher as a facilitator.
Lessons have a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health.

We also follow the Protective Behaviours Programme which provides a practical down to earth approach to personal safety. It encourages self-empowerment and brings with it the skills to raise self-esteem and to help avoid being victimised. This is achieved by helping children to recognise and trust their intuitive feelings (Early Warning Signs) and to develop strategies for self-protection.


Year Group/Term

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Being Me in My World

Celebrating Difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy Me


Changing Me



Understanding feelings;

Being in a classroom;

Being gentle;

Rights and responsibilities.

Identifying talents;

Being special;
Where we live;
Making friends;

Standing up for yourself.





Overcoming obstacles;

Seeking help;


Achieving goals.

Exercising bodies; Physical
Healthy food;


Keeping clean;



Family life;

Breaking friendships;

Falling out;
Dealing with bullying;
Being a good friend.



Respecting my body;

Growing up;

Growth and change;

Fun and fears;



Year One

Feeling special and safe;

Being part of a class; Rights and responsibilities; Rewards and feeling proud; Consequences;

Owning the Learning Charter.

Similarities and differences; Understanding bullying and knowing how to deal with it; Making new friends; Celebrating the differences in everyone.

Setting goals; Identifying successes and achievements; Learning styles; Working well and celebrating achievement with a partner; Tackling new challenges; Identifying and overcoming obstacles; Feelings of success.

Keeping myself healthy; Healthier lifestyle choices; Keeping clean;

Being safe ; Medicine safety/safety with household items;

Road safety; Linking health and happiness.

Belonging to a family; Making friends/being a good friend; Physical contact preferences; People who help us;

Qualities as a friend and person;


Being a good friend to myself; Celebrating special relationships.

Life cycles – animal and human; Changes in me;

Changes since being a baby; Differences between female and male bodies (correct terminal-ogy);

Linking growing and learning coping with change;


Year Two

Hopes and fears for the year;

Rights and responsibilities;

Rewards and consequences;

Safe and fair learning environment; Valuing contributions; Choices; Recognising feelings.

Assumptions and stereotypes about gender; Understanding bullying; Standing up for self and others; Making new friends; Gender diversity; Celebrating difference and remaining friends.

Achieving realistic goals; Perseverance; Learning strengths; Learning with others;

Group co-operation; Contributing to and sharing success;


Healthier choices; Relaxation; Healthy eating and nutrition; Healthier snacks and sharing food.

Different types of family;

Physical contact boundaries; Friendship and conflict;


Trust and appreciation; Expressing appreciation for special relationships.

Life cycles in nature; Growing from young to old; Increasing independence;

Differences in female and male bodies (correct terminology); Assertiveness;

Preparing for transition.

Year Three

Setting personal goals;

Self-identity and worth; Positivity in challenges; Rules, rights and responsibilities;

Rewards and consequences;

Responsible choices; Seeing things from others’ perspective.

Families and their differences; Family conflict and how to manage it (childcentred);

Witnessing bullying and how to solve it; Recognising how words can be hurtful; Giving and receiving compliments.

Difficult challenges and achieving success; Dreams and ambitions; New challenges; Motivation and enthusiasm; Recognising and trying to overcome obstacles; Evaluating learning processes;

Managing feelings; Simple budgeting.

Exercise; Fitness challenges; Food labelling and healthy swaps; Attitudes towards drugs; Keeping safe and why it’s important online and offline scenarios; Respect for myself and others; Healthy and safe choices.

Family roles and responsibilities; Friendship and negotiation; Keeping safe online and who to go to for help; Being a global citizen; Being aware of how my choices affect others; Awareness of how other children have different lives; Expressing appreciation for family and friends.

How babies grow; Understanding a baby’s needs; Outside body changes; Inside body changes; Family stereotypes; Challenging my ideas; Preparing for transition.

Year Four

Being part of a class team; Being a school citizen; Rights, responsibilities and democracy (school council); Rewards and consequences; Group decision-making; Having a voice;

What motivates behaviour.

Challenging assumptions; Judging by appearance ; Accepting self and others; Understanding influences; Understanding bullying; Problem-solving; Identifying how special and unique everyone is;

First impressions.

Hopes and dreams; Overcoming disappointment;

Creating new, realistic dreams; Achieving goals; Working in a group; Celebrating contributions;

Resilience; Positive attitudes.

Healthier friendships; Group dynamics; Smoking; Alcohol; Assertiveness; Peer pressure; Celebrating inner strength

Jealousy; Love and loss; Memories of loved ones; Getting on and Falling Out; Girlfriends and boyfriends; Showing appreciation to people and animals.

Being unique;

Having a baby; Girls and puberty; Confidence in change; Accepting change; Preparing for transition; Environmental change

Year Five

Planning the forthcoming year;

Being a citizen;

Rights and responsibilities;

Rewards and consequences;

How behaviour affects groups; Democracy - having a voice.

Cultural differences and how they can cause conflict; Racism; Rumours and name-calling; Types of bullying; Material wealth and happiness; Enjoying and respecting other cultures.

Future dreams;
The importance of money
Jobs and careers;
Dream job and how to get there;

Goals in different cultures; Supporting others (charity);



Smoking, including vaping Alcohol
Alcohol and
anti-social behaviour Emergency aid

Body image

Relationships with food

Healthy choices






Mental health Identifying mental health worries and sources of support; Love and loss; Managing feelings; Power and control; Assertiveness; Technology safety; Take responsibility with technology use.

Self-image; Body image; Puberty and feelings; Conception; Reflections about change;

Growing responsibility;

Transition to Year Six.

Year Six

Identifying goals for the year ahead;

Global citizenship;

Children’s universal rights;

Feeling welcome and valued

Choices, consequences and rewards;

Group dynamics;

Democracy – having a voice.

Anti-social behaviour;

Role modelling.

Perception of normality;

Understanding disability;

Power struggles

Understanding bullying.

Inclusion and exclusion;

Differences as conflict, difference as celebration.

Personal learning goals;

Success criteria;

Emotions in success;

Making a difference in the world;


Recognising achievements;



Taking personal responsibility;

How substances affect the body;


Emotional and mental health;

Managing stress

Mental health;

Identifying mental health worries and sources of support;

Love and loss;

Power and control assertiveness;

Technology safety (e-safety)



My changing body and feelings What is self-image?
Coping during times of change
My changing ways of thinking Managing my changes in mood;

Moving forwards into my next year of education